Beijing Bikini

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Every summer inevitably leads men to roll their shirts up and expose their bellies in public places like parks and alleyways.  This “fashion trend” is commonly known as “Beijing Bikini” and it is now under threat. The city of Jinan in northeastern Shandong Province has announced that the exposing of bellies is one of its key targets in what they’re calling a “civilizing campaign”. The moves are supposedly part of improving the city’s overall image.

Read the article here:

Discussion Questions:

1. What is your opinion about Beijing Bikini and the end of it in this Chinese city?

2. Should we show decency when we are in public places?

3.“If their bodies are good then fine; if they’re not in shape then no way.” What is your reaction to this statement?

4. How does being shirtless affect the overall image of a city/country?


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