Jantelagen: Why Swedes Won’t Talk about Wealth

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In a lot of countries around the world, wealth and everything that comes with it are shiny badges that show everyone that you have made it. However, in Sweden, there’s a cultural code known as jantelagen that prevents people from flaunting their wealth, success, and everything else most people would commonly brag about. 

Read the article and also watch the video to know more about jantelagen and be ready to express your thoughts on this.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on jantelagen? Do you think it should be kept or should it disappear? 
  2. Is this principle upheld in your country? How would you compare Spain and Sweden when it comes to this subject?
  3. Is high income a badge of success in your country? In general, do people feel comfortable or even proud about talking about their salaries or material possessions? 
  4. What are things that people often brag about in your country?
  5. Who is the most humble and the most ostentatious person you know?
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