How the Progress Bars Keep You Sane?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Progress bars started out as something that provided an update on a given task, to know where you stand, and what exactly you are doing. Does its presence on the screen make people feel better or worse during long-running tasks?

Let’s watch the video to learn more about it.

Discussion Questions:

1. Are progress bars a good way to measure the amount of work that is being done? Do we need it? Why or Why not?

2. Can software influence your emotions?

3. Do progress bars cause anxiety on people?

4. In a daily workday, do you constantly need the validation of your tasks to know your progress?

5. What devices or applications do you use which makes you feel that they are driving you towards a goal?

6. The speaker says, “The progress bar gives you the vision of a beginning and an end and that you’re working towards a goal and in some ways, mitigates the fear of death”. What are your thoughts on this statement?

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