The Most Dangerous Place in Earth’s History: Sahara Desert

B2 -Upper Intermediate

A team of scientists believe that an area of the Sahara desert in Morocco must be the most dangerous place on Earth. It was the home of terrifying array of ferocious predators. The report said that it was most uninhabitable place in Africa’s Age of Dinosaurs.

Let’s read the article and be ready to share your thoughts.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why is the Kem-Kem Group the most dangerous place in Earth’s history?
  2. What is your opinion about the article?
  3. What are some things scientists can learn from studying fossils?
  4. If you had to pick just one place as the most hostile or dangerous place of all on the entire planet, what would it be and why?
  5. How dangerous do you think the world is today? Support your answer with examples.
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