How to Spot a Liar

C1 – Advanced

It can be a challenge to tell if someone is lying to you. No one is safe from liars and they can strike from absolutely anywhere. It could be your partner, best friend, your work colleague, or your family member. The most practiced liars are incredibly skilled in what they do and how they do it. They are absolute masters in the ancient art of deception and many have fallen victim to their mischievous advances.

Luckily enough, there are many signs we can look out for when trying to detect a lie.

Watch the video to find out some simple tricks that you could do to trap a liar.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How can you tell if someone is lying to you?
  2. What causes a person to lie?
  3. We are all liars. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain your stand.
  4. Lying’s a cooperative act. Do you agree or disagree with this? Share an example.
  5. How do you trick a liar?
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2 replies on “How to Spot a Liar”

1. If someone is telling you too many details, all in chronological order and without too much relevance, then probably he is lying. Also, formal and slow speaking is a sign.
2. It can be for protecting ourselves, or also others, but I think that by protecting others we are protecting ourselves in the end.
3. I agree, we always lie at some time, the thing is what kind of lies and with what purpose.
4. It is cooperative at some degree, when someone talk to us, we should should take into account that maybe what it is telling is a lie. The thing is that maybe we want that to be true, and therefore we do not ask ourselves if we are being deceived. One example is to be deceived by a magic trick, we want to believe that it is real instead of only a trick.
5. Making him believe that he is being believed, until he slips.

See better word choice in this sentence:

If someone is telling you too many details, all in chronological order and without too much relevance, then probably he is lying.

If someone is telling you too many details that are all in chronological order and without too much sense, then they are probably lying.

Until your next entry!

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