Pringles Packaging

B1 – Intermediate

The snack brand ‘Pringles’ has changed its packaging into a more eco-friendly one. It was considered as the greatest “villain” of the recycling world due to the combination of materials present in its packaging.

Read the article to know more and be able to answer the following questions:

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why has Pringles been described as a “nightmare” to recycle?
  2. What do you think about the company’s change in their packaging?
  3. Do you know any companies that make their packaging recyclable in order to reduce the negative impact of wastes and pollution on our planet?
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One reply on “Pringles Packaging”

Diferencie between lid/cap
Eco frienfly one. How use one in the final of the sentences?
Tear of cover ??
Might or can?

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