People Eat Less Chocolate

B1 – Intermediate

Chocolate is the most popular sweet treat in the world, thanks to its delicious and sweet taste. People around the world consume a lot of cocoa beans a year.

Although it has many health benefits, chocolate still has a bad reputation for causing weight gain and other illnesses.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript about people consuming less and less chocolates.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you like chocolates? Why or why not? Which kind of chocolate is your favorite?
  2. Do you think chocolate is healthy or not? Support your answer.
  3. Is the Spanish society affected by this issue? If so, what are the reasons?
  4. How will the change of people’s mindset affect the chocolate business, especially the chocolate farmers?
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2 replies on “People Eat Less Chocolate”

1. Do you like chocolates? Why or why not? Which kind of chocolate is your favorite?
I love chocolates, because their taste is soft and sweet.
May favorite chocolate is the dark chocolate

2.Do you think chocolate is healthy or not? Support your answer.
I think so and we can eat a small piece every day and above all dark chocolate because it contains less fat.

3. Is the Spanish society affected by this issue? If so, what are the reasons?
I don’t think so, because although people are more worried about having a healthy life, dark chocolate is allowed by the dietists.

4. How will the change of people’s mindset affect the chocolate business, especially the chocolate farmers?
They have to transmit to everybody and everywhere the benefits of cocoa and avoid having to decrease their production if the people don’t consume chocolate.

Good work answering this lesson’s questions.

Here is a sentence you can revise:

May favorite chocolate is the dark chocolate

My favorite chocolate is the dark chocolate,

Until your next ones!

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