Do Essential Oils Work?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

As wellness trend becomes stronger and stronger, many people nowadays enjoy using essential oils as part of their wellness routines. A lot of essential oils from billion-dollar companies like doTerra and Young Living claim to be “therapeutic-grade” or medicinal. People are using them in diffusers, applying them on their skin, and even putting them in their food recipes.

Watch the video to know why we should be cautious in using essential oils. Be able to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you tried essential oils before? What do you think about them?
  2. According to the video, what are some potential side effects of these oils?
  3. Do you agree that natural isn’t always safe? Explain.
  4. Some people report benefits from essential oils. Do you believe them? Why or why not?
  5. What do you do when you are sick or not feeling well? What remedy or treatment do you take?
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2 replies on “Do Essential Oils Work?”

Have you tried essential oils before? What do you think about them?
I have tried this type of essential oils sometimes .a few years ago I had a time when it was hard to me sleep. I didn’t want to take medication so a friend recommended me lavender oil. I have to confess that nothing helped me .

According to the video, what are some potential side effects of these oils?
Headache, nauseas an rashes

Some people report benefits from essential oils. Do you believe them? Why or why not?
I think it’s posible. When we believe that something is going to help us or improve our health, it will have tus effect. It’s called placebo effect.

What do you do when you are sick or not feeling well? What remedy or treatment do you take?
Sometimes when I have a cold and I can’t breathe I put a half of onion in the nightstand when I sleep. I also use lemon juice with honey for a sore throat

Nice to see you being persistent with your writing practice.

Do not forget to punctuate properly here:

I have tried this type of essential oils sometimes .a few years ago I had a time when it was hard to me sleep.

I have tried this type of essential oils a few times years ago. I had a time when it was hard for me to sleep.

Keep up the good work!

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