European Space Agency to Recruit Females and Disabled Astronauts

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A lot of little boys dream of becoming astronauts. It is quite rare to hear little girls express interest in goign into space. But perhaps it’s time to change this. Let the dream of becoming an astronaut more accessible to everyone. 

To date, NASA’s European counterpart The European Space Agency has only commissioned two women to go into space. This year, they want to fix the imbalance and achieve diversity.

Read the article and watch the video about ESA’s plans to recruit more women and disabled people.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are thoughts on/reaction to this: “Only 65 of the more than 560 people who have ever gone into space have been women.”?
  2. What do you think about ESA’s goal to recruit more women astronauts?
  3. Is there diversity in your workplace? Elaborate.
  4. How is diversity achieved in your workplace?
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