Scotland Ends “Period Poverty”

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In November 2020, the Scottish Parliament unanimously voted to pass a bill that would conclusively put an end to what has been termed “period poverty.” It refers to the inability of a lot of Scottish women to afford sanitary products.

The trailblazing legislation took into account not just the cost of this staple problem in women’s health, but also the indignity associated with not being able to afford such essentials.

Learn more about this law and its impact by reading the article below. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think is the significance of the “Period Products (Free Provision) Bill” in Scotland?
  2. What were the circumstances that led to the creation of the bill?
  3. Does period poverty also exist in Spain or are sanitary products easily afforded by all women? Are these items subject to tax?
  4. Are there similar or related legislation in your country that safeguards aspects of women’s health?
  5. What more can be done to raise awareness about women’s health issues?
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