Comfort Food

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When someone is emotionally stressed, they often turn to comfort food. Although most of the food are not good for our health since these are high-calorie, high-fat, salt or sugar food, we still eat it because they are delicious and they give us pleasure.

They also say that these comfort food are sentimental since they remind us of our childhood; that sweet, sweet time when we were taken care of by our parents. In some cultures, comfort food are nuanced since they believe that all food give comfort.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript to learn more about comfort food.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Does eating comfort food take your stress away? Why or why not?
  2. What are your comfort food? How often do you eat them?
  3. What food make you feel a bit nostalgic? Why do you think they bring such emotion for you?
  4. Do you feel guilty after eating too much of your comfort food?
  5. Are there any comfort food that are actually healthy?
  6. What are other things that calm your nerves during your stressful or difficult situations?
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2 replies on “Comfort Food”

1. Does eating comfort food take your stress away? Why or why not?
No. I have never felt that food was related with my stress level. I know that many people tend to feel better when they eat comfort food, but it is not my case.

2. What are your comfort food? How often do you eat them?
I guess that my comfort food is chocolate in almost all its variations. I try not to overindulge in chocolate.

3. What food make you feel a bit nostalgic? Why do you think they bring such emotion for you?
There are some traditional cakes in my home town that remind me of when I was a child.

4. Do you feel guilty after eating too much of your comfort food?
Yes, if I eat too much I feel as if I have done something wrong.

Well done practicing your writing skills.

Here is a sentence you can change a bit:

No. I have never felt that food was related with my stress level.

No, I have never felt that the food I eat is related to relieving my stress level.

Keep going with this exercise.

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