The Race Called Life

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In this race called life, we think that we are always running alone. Not until we see someone who needs help more than we do. Some of them are our family, friends, and people we meet along the way.

It is not how fast we finish the race, it’s not all about the rush it’s about time to savor every moment and slow down for us to have a chance to appreciate life’s beauty.

Watch this inspirational video about the race called life.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to the story? Share a similar story/experience when you had to run for and/or against something/someone.
  2. Share your thoughts on this statement: “It’s not important if you win, it’s important how you run this race.”
  3. In this thing called life, what or who are you running for and against? Who are the people cheering you on?
  4. If life is a race, how would you describe your race?
  5. Aside from winning/succeeding, what are other things that matter in life?

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