Don’t Give Up!

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Difficulty and hardships are being experienced by the majority of us; especially in this time of crisis. Our strength has been tested when the pandemic hit our lives. Businesses have been closed as a result of thousands of people becoming unemployed. Each of us has experienced hardships at one point in our lives.

Let us be inspired from the story of one of the most famous action stars of all time, Sylvester Stallone.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to Sylvester Stallone’s life story? What lesson/s did you learn from his life story?
  2. What can you say about his determination in life?
  3. Have you ever experienced hardships before and decided not to give up? What happened and how did you overcome such a difficult circumstance?
  4. What are the things you do to motivate yourself at times you feel like giving up?
  5. Share your thoughts on this statement: “You never lose as long as you never give up.”
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2 replies on “Don’t Give Up!”

1. What is your reaction to Sylvester Stallone’s life story? What lesson/s did you learn from his life story?
I didn’t know about his story in fact. It is one of those stories in which makes us think about our lives and think about those moments we gave up and now, reflecting, we can see that the solution was behind our eyes all the time.
It confirms me the opinion that if you are sure of something, try until you get because at the end, everything is going to be all right and, if something went wrong, don’t worry, it means that you haven’t hit the end.
2. What can you say about his determination in life?
Part of the answer for this question is in your life before it occurs. I don’t mean look at his money or other material conquests, I mean, he is the real example of self-confidence, perseverance, and a lot of another good words you can imagine.
3. Have you ever experienced hardships before and decided not to give up? What happened and how did you overcome such a difficult circumstance?
Yes sure. Not to mention my particularity, I remember that the first thing I did was ask for help from someone I still respect and still have as my “guru”. Whenever I’m in trouble and I don’t know how to solve it myself, I’m not ashamed to ask for help from someone I think could be or give me some help. It usually works for me!
4. What are the things you do to motivate yourself at times you feel like giving up?
Whenever I’m in trouble I don’t like to be alone, I mean whenever I have something “hurting me” I try to share it with someone I trust and, normally, after talk about the problem I use to realize that the problem is not to big as it appears.
5. Share your thoughts on this statement: “You never lose as long as you never give up.”
I like this way of thinking because it leads you to an optimistic way of being. Things are not always difficult, sometimes we just give up before trying.

Impressive work on writing your responses! Keep up the good job!

Here is just one sentence that you can still revise:

Whenever I’m in trouble I don’t like to be alone, I mean whenever I have something “hurting me” I try to share it with someone I trust and, normally, after talk about the problem I use to realize that the problem is not to big as it appears.

I don’t like being alone when I’m in trouble. Whenever there is something bothering me, I try to share it with someone I trust and, normally, after talking about the problem, I usually realize that the problem is not as big as it seems.

Keep at it!

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