Energy from Peat

B1 – Intermediate

Peat or turf is a brown matter that looks like dirt. It is formed by the partial decay of vegetable or organic matter. They now have a new use. They are made into batteries. These batteries are more environment-friendly.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript on sodium-ion batteries produced from peats.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Compare and contrast lithium-ion to sodium-ion batteries.
  2. What kind of batteries do you usually use? Do you think they are good for the natural world?
  3. What do you normally use batteries for?
  4. Why is it important to find energy sources that are better for the natural world?
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2 replies on “Energy from Peat”

1 The sodium salt raw material reserves are abundant and the price is low and the prices of cobalt, nickel, and lithium carbonate are constantly increasing
2 I think the batteries I usually use are lithium and rechargeable but I’m not sure
3 I use batteries for the kitchen clock and for the Xbox controller
4 Because you can get energy from renewable sources and they do not cause bad waste when obtaining or using them. For example solar energy

Good job writing your answers. Be sure to elaborate more so you can express your thoughts more.

Here is a slight correction in this sentence:

I think the batteries I usually use are lithium and rechargeable but I’m not sure

I’m not so sure but I think the batteries I usually use are lithium and the rechargeable ones.

Keep practicing your writing!

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