Perfect Grades Don’t Matter

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In their early life, most students believe that grades represent how smart and creative they are and that if they have good grades, they are an amazing learner.

But is this the truth? Or are grades bad for students? Because students want to have good grades, they are not taking risks by being creative because taking risks could compromise their good grades.

Instead of wanting to learn to help them be successful, their only motivation is to study just enough to ace their next test and get good grades, but they probably won’t remember any of that, because they believe good grades is enough to be successful. At least that’s what it feels like for them.

Let’s watch this video to find out why perfect grades don’t matter.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is hard work more important than having good grades? Explain your stand.
  2. In your country, have you experienced the same issue of grades looking like they are the only key to success? Share your experience.
  3. In your experience, has passion helped you more in getting a job?
  4. Do you think that the school system should be changed to help students with their passion, instead of trying to get good grades in everything? State your opinion on this.
  5. Personally, what are your thoughts on having a grading system at schools?
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