Selfie Addiction

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Selfie is a fun way to capture one’s precious moments. However, for others they take way too numerous selfies which leads to an obsession. A new study shows that addiction to selfies could be an indication of a mental disorder. This new behavioral addiction is called “selfitis”.

Watch the video to learn more about selfitis and be able to answer the questions that follow.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about selfies?
  2. What is the impact of selfie in your life/the society/our relationships/our wellbeing?
  3. Why do some people become obsessed with taking photos of themselves?
  4. What are the dangers of “selfitis”?
  5. Do think selfitis is an indicator of a mental disorder? Explain your point.
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2 replies on “Selfie Addiction”

1. I think that some people are really obsessed with them. In my case, I barely take selfies of myself or post them.
2. I barely do selfies so they have no impact on my life. However, there are too present in society and sometimes they are really important for some people, as if their lives would depend on a good selfie.
3. I think that it is because they need to reassured by other people. They post their selfies in order to get approval of society about what are they doing or how they look.
4. You could end living on a parallel reality, leaving out all your real life and relations.
5. I think so, because people become addicted to selfies, and all addictions are bad because you become dependent on them.

Good job consistently practicing your writing. Keep on it!

Be a bit mindful about redundancy with your word choice here:

I think that some people are really obsessed with them. In my case, I barely take selfies of myself or post them.

I think that some people are really obsessed with them. In my case, I barely take selfies of myself nor post them.


I think that some people are really obsessed with them. In my case, I barely take pictures of myself nor post them.

Until your next entry!

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