Rhetoric: How Persuasive Are You?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Giving persuasive speeches is a skill. One has to be able to deliver their messages clearly and effectively to convince people.

In the past, these were done face-to-face in front of a huge audience. Nowadays, people can do it with just a simple tap on their gadgets. Either can be effective in inspiring and influencing people into certain decisions or actions.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript to know more about what rhetoric is.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some instances that you have used rhetoric?
  2. What are some good qualities of rhetoric?
  3. Where can rhetoric be effective or useful?
  4. Who are some famous people who are good at rhetoric?
  5. What skills should you possess to deliver good rhetoric?
  6. Are there other ways to persuade people? What are they?
  7. Is social media affecting the way leaders and other people connect with the public or general audience?
  8. How has rhetoric shaped our history in both good and bad ways?
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