Brains Do Not Slow Down Until After 60

B1 – Intermediate

The brain is the most important organ in the human body. It controls our movement and everything that we do. It helps us think, makes us well focused and also helps us analyze problems.

But as we grow older, our brain processing starts slowing down.

Let’s read the article below and learn more about human brain processing speed and age.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Does it take you a long time to make decisions? Why?
  2. When is the most active your brain has ever been?
  3. How would you likely feel when your brain starts deteriorating?
  4. What do you do to take care of your brain?
  5. How forgetful are you? Cite situations when you suffer forgetting things.
  6. How impulsive are you? Cite situations when you became impulsive in your decisions.
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