Social Media Bans Andrew Tate

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Many people are social media-famous. They use them as a venue where they have the liberty to say or do whatever they want.

With so many fans or followers watching their every action and statements, they have the power to influence people’s thoughts on different issues. So it is important that they are careful with the contents they create and publish on their social media channels.

Read the article to know who Andrew Tate is and why he was removed and banned on major social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on this person’s attitude toward women?
  2. “Tate was dangerous because he could change men’s opinions on women.” Do you agree or disagree to this? Why or why not?
  3. His account was removed from major social media platforms Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Do you think it is necessary for these socmed sites to do that? Why or why not?
  4. Tate thinks it is women’s faults if they got sexually attacked. What are your thoughts on his opinion?
  5. How responsible are social media influencers/celebrities for the things they say and do on their social media platforms?
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