Everything Wrong With “Woke” Culture

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In this day and age, woke culture has spread far, but what does “woke” even mean? It means that one is aware of the injustices in today’s society.

And although this may seem good on paper, in practice, it has become a blight on culture and has become very troubling. Video games, movies, and culture in general has been influenced with toxic ideals.

As an example, woke feminism has shown that all men are toxic and only women are powerful while normal feminism shows that even women can be powerful.

Despite it being only a minor threat and although having a lot of representation, it is still heavily mocked. However, a concerning number of people now believe these ideas.

So if woke culture is continuously upheld, things may change for the worse.

Let’s watch this video on everything wrong with woke culture.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on woke culture?
  2. What is your opinion on the current state of woke culture in our society? Is it good or bad? What is your opinion?
  3. Do you think that there is a way to improve the way we imbibe woke culture? Explain.
  4. What examples of woke culture can you think of?
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