Your Productivity Needs More Breaks

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In the fast-paced and demanding world of work, it’s easy to get caught up in a constant cycle of tasks and responsibilities. However, amidst the hustle and bustle, one crucial element often gets overlooked – breaks.

Taking regular breaks throughout the workday is not a luxury, but rather a necessity for maintaining productivity, focus, and overall well-being.

Read the article to know more about how taking regular breaks during the workday help improve performance, concentration, and overall, one’s mood. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Define “decompress” as used in the article. “After a long day of work, I like to decompress by taking a relaxing bath.” Use the word in a sentence.
  2. What does the phrase “stick to something” mean? “Despite facing challenges, she stuck to it and eventually achieved her fitness goals.” Use the phrase in a sentence.
  3. Explain the meaning of the expression “build the habit” as mentioned in the article. “By consistently practicing piano every day, she was able to build the habit of regular practice.” Use the expression in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. According to the article, what is the prevailing belief about uninterrupted work and productivity?
  2. What are some of the negative consequences of not taking regular breaks at work?
  3. Do you agree with the article’s assertion that taking breaks can improve productivity? Why or why not?
  4. How do you personally prioritize and incorporate breaks into your work routine? What benefits have you experienced?
  5. Are there any challenges or barriers you face when trying to take breaks at work? How do you overcome them?
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4 replies on “Your Productivity Needs More Breaks”

1. According to the article, what is the prevailing belief about uninterrupted work and productivity?

While it makes logical sense that, if you want to get a lot done, you need to operate at a constant state of productivity, the opposite can actually be true

2. What are some of the negative consequences of not taking regular breaks at work?

– your brain gets oversaturated and needs time to decompress
– you cannot overcome the simplest tasks

3. Do you agree with the article’s assertion that taking breaks can improve productivity? Why or why not?

– I totally agree. I have studied a lot about this and try to apply it whenever I can

4. How do you personally prioritize and incorporate breaks into your work routine? What benefits have you experienced?

– With the right techniques and tools. For example, I try to apply time-blocking and the pomodore technique

5. Are there any challenges or barriers you face when trying to take breaks at work? How do you overcome them?

– sometimes you can’t because you’re too busy or have group tasks that you can’t delay. However, the hardest thing for me is to stay isolated from communications or annoyances through chat messages or mails

Well done staying consistent with your writing practice.

Here are things you can do to improve these sentences:
* Write the first one in a complete sentence.
* Capitalize proper noun – Pomodoro Technique.
* End the sentence with a period.

With the right techniques and tools. For example, I try to apply time-blocking and the pomodore technique

I prioritize and incorporate breaks with the right techniques and tools. For example, I try to apply time-blocking and the Pomodoro Technique.

Keep up the good job.

Vocabulary Questions:

1. Define “decompress” as used in the article. “After a long day of work, I like to decompress by taking a relaxing bath.” Use the word in a sentence.
It means to reduce the pressure on something. Concretely in the text, it means to relax. “We found the location quite refreshing and helped us decompress”.

2. What does the phrase “stick to something” mean? “Despite facing challenges, she stuck to it and eventually achieved her fitness goals.” Use the phrase in a sentence.
It means to continue trying hard to do something difficult. “I find it very hard to stick to a diet.”

3. Explain the meaning of the expression “build the habit” as mentioned in the article. “By consistently practicing piano every day, she was able to build the habit of regular practice.” Use the expression in a sentence.
It means to change a behavior through repetition until it becomes automatic or habitual. “Going for a walk for an hour can build the habit of exercising”

Discussion Questions:

1. According to the article, what is the prevailing belief about uninterrupted work and productivity?
The belief is that you will be able to do a lot of things. Also, working nonstop means that your productivity will increase.

2. What are some of the negative consequences of not taking regular breaks at work?
The negative consequences could be poor performance, increase of stress, constant feeling of tiredness.

3. Do you agree with the article’s assertion that taking breaks can improve productivity? Why or why not?
Yes, I agree. Taking breaks helps the brain to relax and then one can return to the work more focused. Also, taking a break helps to be more creative and find better solutions.

4. How do you personally prioritize and incorporate breaks into your work routine? What benefits have you experienced?
I try to take a break a few hours before lunch and another a few hours after lunch. It helps me concentrate better on what I am doing and also to shed light on a difficult problem.

5. Are there any challenges or barriers you face when trying to take breaks at work? How do you overcome them?
Sometimes it is difficult if I have meetings with my team. If we are very focused on our work, we usually forget to take a break.

You are doing a very good job with your writing practice so far. Keep it up!

See how this sentence can be revised:

The negative consequences could be poor performance, increase of stress, constant feeling of tiredness.

Some of the negative consequences of not taking regular breaks are poor performance, increased levels of stress, and the constant feeling of tiredness.

Until your next ones!

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