B2 – Upper Intermediate
People seek genuine pleasant workplaces, not superficial ones. Seize the opportunity to reflect and assess whether your organization genuinely nurtures a culture of kindness or simply puts up a front.
This enlightening article delves into the hazards of a “nice” company culture.
Vocabulary Questions:
Give the meaning of the highlighted words in the following sentences. Provide sample sentences.
- In short, is it possible to set the bar too low?
- Mistakes and toxic actions being swept under the rug.
- Nice cultures are guilty of the opposite — dancing around hard truths.
Discussion Questions:
- How does the article define “nice company culture” and why is it hazardous?
- Why do leaders pursue a nice culture in organizations?
- What are the downsides of a nice culture in an organization?
- How does open and honest communication help combat the hazards of a nice company culture?
- Have you faced challenges expressing dissenting views or giving candid feedback? How were they received, and what were the outcomes?