Dead and Cremated Animals in a Hoarder’s Home

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In this eye-opening video, we witness a distressing situation involving a woman who had way too many animals living in terrible conditions, with some of them even dead. The situation got totally out of control because she just couldn’t stop hoarding animals.

This sweet elderly lady lived alone and ended up with around 100 cats in her house. It’s sad because she’s a really caring person, but things went downhill after her husband passed away 12 years ago. Her house became a complete mess, filled with boxes and stuff everywhere, making it impossible to live in. The smell was so bad that it even bothered her neighbors.

Luckily, the authorities stepped in and rescued the animals that were still alive. But now, the woman’s house is considered unsafe and is red-tagged. You won’t believe the details until you watch the video!

Vocabulary Questions:

Explain the meaning of the highlighted words below and make some sentences.

  1. It is an apparent case of animal hoarding that got out of hand.
  2. The smell would get pretty bad, it would linger over to our side.
  3. The home here was red-tagged.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What have you seen in the video?
  2. How would you feel in a situation where hoarding leads to poor living conditions?
  3. Can good intentions sometimes lead to uncontrollable and harmful situations?
  4. What could have been done earlier to stop the situation from getting worse?
  5. How important is neighborly awareness for overall well-being?
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