Over-Tourism Threatens Mt. Fuji’s World Heritage Status

B1 – Intermediate

Mt. Fuji is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It got this status in 2013. 

Many people, not just from Japan, but from all over the world, dream of visiting and climbing this famous mountain that in Japan, is even considered sacred.

Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a massive increase in the number of people who has visited and wishes to visit Mt. Fuji. This has caused a lot of problems for this World Heritage Site.

Read the article about how Mt. Fuji’s World Heritage status is at risk because of over-tourism. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “eyesore” mean in this sentence, “These are an eyesore on the mountain’s once-pristine habitat.”? Use this word in a sentence in the same context.
  2. What is a “bullet climber“? “Another headache for authorities is “bullet climbers“.” Use this term in a sentence.
  3. What does “altitude sickness” mean? “They risk getting altitude sickness.” Use this term in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some problems in Mt. Fuji?
  2. What is your reaction to this news about over-tourism in Mt. Fuji?
  3. What should the Japanese authorities do to tackle this problem with over-tourism in Mt. Fuji?
  4. Would you like to climb Mt. Fuji? Why or why not?
  5. What other World Heritage Sites that would you like to visit one day? Why do you want to visit these places?
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2 replies on “Over-Tourism Threatens Mt. Fuji’s World Heritage Status”

What does “eyesore” mean in this sentence, “These are an eyesore on the mountain’s once-pristine habitat.”? Use this word in a sentence in the same context.

The new mall is an eyesore in the middle of the Downtown.

What is a “bullet climber“? “Another headache for authorities is “bullet climbers“.” Use this term in a sentence.

Many people prefer to be a bullet climber looking for a photo and not a tourist enjoying the landscape.

What does “altitude sickness” mean? “They risk getting altitude sickness.” Use this term in a sentence.

Altitude sickness is common when you climb a mountain without the enough time to adapt.

Nice job working on your vocabulary skills once again!

Here is a better way to write this sentence:

The new mall is an eyesore in the middle of the Downtown.

The new mall in the middle of the Downtown is an eyesore .

Until your next entry.

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