India’s Luxury Fashion Industry

B1 – Intermediate

The world of luxury fashion is synonymous with high-end style and craftsmanship, often associated with European heritage. However, there is a lesser-known side to this glamorous industry. Behind the scenes, India plays a crucial role in the creation of many luxury garments.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript about India’s luxury fashion industry.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “lack of transparency” mean?  This lack of transparency has raised questions about the ethics of the fashion industry.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “finishing touch” mean? “One example is a jacket that retails for 43,000 Euros and underwent over 2,000 hours of embroidery work in India; however, it received less than 100 hours of finishing touches in Europe, despite bearing a ‘Made in France’ label.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “to build on something” mean? “However, it remains a complex issue in an industry built on exploitation and secrecy.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you feel about the idea that many luxury fashion brands manufacture their products in countries like India, but often label them as being made in Europe? Elaborate.
  2. What are the reasons luxury fashion brands choose to produce their goods in countries with lower labor costs like India rather than in their home countries?
  3. Are you willing to pay a premium for a luxury fashion item even if you know it was made in a country with lower labor costs, or does the “Made in” label matter to you? Explain.
  4. How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted the luxury fashion industry and its reliance on global manufacturing?
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2 replies on “India’s Luxury Fashion Industry”

Discussion Questions:
1. How do you feel about the idea that many luxury fashion brands manufacture their products in countries like India, but often label them as being made in Europe? Elaborate.
I think that this brands musn’t do this things because must give visivility to realty. If one product do in India, they must show it and don’t hidden.
2. What are the reasons luxury fashion brands choose to produce their goods in countries with lower labor costs like India rather than in their home countries?
Because in India the laboral condition isn’t good for the employed then the brands earn much more money than in Europe. They paid low money for production this product.
3. Are you willing to pay a premium for a luxury fashion item even if you know it was made in a country with lower labor costs, or does the “Made in” label matter to you? Explain.
If the product i liked it i buy, i don’t mind where is do but the people normally gives importance to the “Made in” label.
4. How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted the luxury fashion industry and its reliance on global manufacturing?
Yes, but the positive form because were stay in house and the people bought more thing across online then this industry gain more clients.

Well done continuing with your writing practice. Kudos to you!

Take a look at how you can revise this sentence to improve it:

Yes, but the positive form because were stay in house and the people bought more thing across online then this industry gain more clients.

Yes, but the I think that the luxury fashion industry has been impacted by the pandemic in a positive way form because were people had to stay in their houses and the people they bought more things across online. Then, this industry gained more customers.

Keep practicing to enhance your writing skills more.

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