Ways to Support Dog Shelters

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” – Anatole France

This heartwarming quote beautifully expresses the deep connection between humans and animals. In a world where countless dogs are in need, showing our love and support for dog shelters is essential.

This article explores simple yet powerful ways to make a difference in the lives of homeless pets, proving that even small actions can have a big impact.


Vocabulary Questions

  1. What does the phrase “gear up” mean in the sentence “Gear up your home to welcome your new four-legged family member.”? Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does the phrase “kick off” mean in the sentence “Kick off online crowdfunding initiatives“?  Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does the phrase “take notice of” mean in the sentence “Take notice of the plight of animals worldwide.”?  Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions

  1. How important do you think dog shelters are in your community? Share your thoughts on why they are important.
  2. Among the ways presented in the article to support dog shelters, which one(s) do you like the most and why?
  3. Do you think it’s more important to help local shelters or international rescue efforts? Share your thoughts.
  4. How can social media help raise awareness and support for shelter animals?
  5. The article inspires readers to take action to support dog shelters and their residents. How does it make you feel about helping?
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