Emotional Support Alligator Barred from Entering a Stadium

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Anxiety, depression, and many more mental health issues have become all too common problems for most people who live a fast paced life. While medication and therapy sessions could be enough for some, others need more support and for this, they turn to emotional support animals.

Let’s read the article and know more about emotional support animals and the challenges their owners face.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the verb “blossom” mean in this context? “Wally is Henney’s emotional support animal and has blossomed into an internet sensation, amassing a large social media following, due to his relaxed nature and willingness to engage with all.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. Define the word “harness“. “Wally can be seen sharing hugs at schools, police stations and hospitals with Henney leading him around by his harness.” Use it in your own sentence and give two synonyms.
  3. What is the meaning of the word “overabundance“? “There was an overabundance of gators in that area.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the difference between emotional support animals and service animals?
  2. What is your stand on undomesticated emotional support animals? Should they be allowed in public places?
  3. What is the process of certifying or registering emotional support animals in your country?
  4. If you were to get an emotional support animal, what would it be and why?
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8 replies on “Emotional Support Alligator Barred from Entering a Stadium”

The services animals provide physical support to people, suchas a dog that helps a blind man. The emotional support animal helps people with mental health. This second type of animal is difficult for strangers to differentiate.

Absolutely not, in my opinions entry to public places should not be allowed, nor should potentially dangerous dogs be allowed. undomesticated animals can’t share space with humans in a normal situations.
In my opinion, support animals like aligators are very silly answer to a problem.
I have never hear of emotional animal before other than dogs or cats, I hope they are not allowed to share public places with me.
I will chose a dog, dogs are exercise machines with fur. They force you to walk, go out, spend time with other people, visit parks,…

It’s good that you continue to practice your writing.

Here is how you can revise this response:

The services animals provide physical support to people, suchas a dog that helps a blind man. The emotional support animal helps people with mental health. This second type of animal is difficult for strangers to differentiate.

The Service animals such as dogs that help a blind people and they also provide physical support to their owners. Whereas, The emotional support animals help those with mental health problems. These two types of animals are usually difficult for strangers to differentiate.

Keep expanding your vocabulary so that you may be able to express your ideas using better word choices. Also be mindful about the number of your nouns and so you can also use the right number in your verbs.

What is the difference between emotional support animals and service animals? The difference is that emotional support animals help to people with an emotional illness like depression or anxiety and service animals help to people who are disabled like a blind person.

Welcome to the Phone English Blog! Nice to see you starting with your writing practice. Good going!

Here are some minor revisions you can make in this sentence:

The difference is that emotional support animals help to people with an emotional illness like depression or anxiety and service animals help to people who are disabled like a blind person.

The difference is that emotional support animals help to people with an emotional illnesses mental health problems like depression or anxiety. and In addition, service animals are also great for help to people who are disabled have disabilities like blindness a blind person.

Make sure to answer all the discussion questions in your next entries.

1. The difference between emotional support animals and service animals are that the first ones help people with mental health problem such as depression, social phobias, or anxiety problems. On the other hand, service animals are those which have been trained for helping people with disabilities. Both types of animals need to be quite and tamed. The most usual are dogs and cats.
2. I think that any animal which need to be in public places should be domesticated. Animals are unpredictable and they can behave in a good way at home but become aggressive in public spaces where they feel unsecure or threatened out of their habitat. It would not be the first time that we have heard on the news that a person has been attacked by a dog.
3. There is not any agency specialized in registering emotional support animals in Spain. If a person needs a certificate, he/she will have request a special letter from his/her mental health doctor informing that this person needs this type of animal.
4. I do not like animals very much. If I had to choose one of them, it would be a dog, since they are usually calm. They understand the feelings of the person and are capable of helping any person in need.

It is good to read about your thoughts on this matter. You wrote your responses well.

Here is just one sentence you can revise:

I do not like animals very much. If I had to choose one of them, it would be a dog, since they are usually calm.

I do not like animals very much, but if I had to choose one of them, it would be a dog, since they are usually calm.

Keep going with your writing practice.

Discussion Questions:
1. What are emotional support animals? How are they different from service animals?
I think, service animals give help to people with physical disabilities, and support animals give help to people with mental problems like anxiety or relationship problems.
2. What is your stand on undomesticated emotional support animals? Should they be allowed in public places?
My perspective of that is that some animals, for its instincts are dangerous (p.e.: a Bear, a Lion, a Tiger..), so they should be banned to be in public places… If you can´t tamed or domesticated them like species, they are a potential risk and also (its natural) there are a lot of people that are very afraid of them.
3. What is the process of certifying or registering emotional support animals in your country?
I didn´t know, so I googled it. You need a clear recommendation of a specialist a mental health that certified that the animal give you and important emotional support and it good for treat or alleviate your problems. Send this certificate to the adminitration and wait for the acceptance or denegation.

Always doing your best to improve your writing skills. Very good job!

See how you can revise this sentence to improve it a bit:

You need a clear recommendation of a specialist a mental health that certified that the animal give you and important emotional support and it good for treat or alleviate your problems. Send this certificate to the adminitration and wait for the acceptance or denegation.

You need a clearance from recommendation of a a mental health specialist who that certifies that the animal give you and important emotional support and that it is good for treating or alleviating your problems. Send this certificate to the administration and wait for either the approval or rejection.

Keep writing more and more to improve your skills further.

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