Company’s Booth for Vertical Napping

B1 – Intermediate

In Japan, it is common to see people catnapping on trains or in their workplace during working hours. This is mainly due to the country’s long work hours. Recently, a Hokkaido-based company came up with a novel product to promote napping and space-efficiency.

Let’s read the article and know more about this vertical napping booths.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the phrase “a sign of something” mean? “It’s time to break the stereotype that nodding off on the job is a sign of boredom or laziness.” Use it in your own sentence.
  2. What is the meaning of the word “ingenuity“? “Napping reduces drowsiness and improves ingenuity and creativeness.” Use it in a sentence and give two synonyms.
  3. Define the idiom “to catch forty winks“. “Office workers can now catch forty winks without a bed.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the Giraffenap pod and what makes it special?
  2. Give your opinion about Giraffenap.
  3. In your opinion, is vertical sleeping a good idea? Why or why not?
  4. Do you agree or disagree that a 20-minute nap is beneficial? Why or why not?
  5. Should companies motivate the workers to stop for a rest in the middle of their workday? Why or why?
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2 replies on “Company’s Booth for Vertical Napping”

1. What does the phrase “**a sign of something**” mean? “_It’s time to break the stereotype that nodding off on the job is **a sign of** **boredom or laziness**._” Use it in your own sentence.

In my opinion “a sign of something” is a fact or action that explains a behavior

My car lately sounds weird. I think that is a sign of going to the mechanic soon

2. What is the meaning of the word “**ingenuity**“? _“Napping reduces drowsiness and improves **ingenuity** and creativeness.”_ Use it in a sentence and give two synonyms.

It is when you think quicky and have good ideas.
That guy has a lot of ingenuity because he always find the best solution

3. Define the idiom “**to catch forty winks**“. _“Office workers can now **catch forty winks** without a bed.”_ Use it in a sentence.

I think the idiom means to have a short nap
I prefer to catch forty winks more than long nap in the bed

# Discussion Questions:

1. What is the Giraffenap pod and what makes it special?

It is a pod where you can have a standing nap

2. Give your opinion about Giraffenap.

In my opinion it is a nice tool to have a nap in the office.

3. In your opinion, is vertical sleeping a good idea? Why or why not?

I am not sure, but may be it is a good idea because a short nap is better and if you are standing you won’t sleep deeply

4. Do you agree or disagree that a 20-minute nap is beneficial? Why or why not?

I agree because a short nap doesn’t cause downsiness

5. Should companies motivate the workers to stop for a rest in the middle of their workday? Why or why?

I think so, because humans need rest to be focus in deep work. It is better to have short time slots focused and switching with short time slots resting.

Well done answering your lesson’s discussion question. You answered the questions as well as you could.

Take a look at a better way to write this answer:

I think so, because humans need rest to be focus in deep work. It is better to have short time slots focused and switching with short time slots resting.

I think so, because humans need rest to be focused in deep work. It is better to have short time slots staying focused and then switching to taking short breaks for time slots resting.

Until your next entry!

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