Protect Your Home When Going On Holidays

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Most people are excited when they are about to embark on a long-awaited holiday trip. They tend to have a list of things they need for this journey. This list is not limited to the things you need to bring or the travel itinerary. Sometimes, it includes the things you need to do for the things you have to leave behind.

Let’s read the article and know more tips on how to keep your home safe while you are enjoying your holiday elsewhere.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the phrase “keep in mind” mean? “Here are some things that you should keep in mind when you go on a holiday.” Use it in a sentence and give two synonyms.
  2. Define the word “burglar“. “Have motion sensitive lights outside your house that keep burglars away when you are not at home.” Use it in your own sentence.
  3. What is the meaning of the adjective “portable“? “Some standard systems can be controlled via your smartphone or portable computer.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you try to protect your home when you are away on holiday?
  2. Among the tips mentioned in the article, which ones do you find the most and least helpful? Why?
  3. Have you heard of cases where people’s homes were broken into while they were on holiday? What happened?
  4. What are some fears you have while you are away on holidays? Why?
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6 replies on “Protect Your Home When Going On Holidays”

1. When I leave my house on vacation, I usually tell my mother to come and take the letters and postcards and that kind of thing, and she stays at my house twice a week.

2. I think the most important thing is not to post your plans on social media, because they offer you free access to your house

3. A neighbor’s house was broken into when he was on vacation, at the same time my family and I were also on vacation. All her clothes were out of the drawers and her money and technological tools such as her iPad, her laptop, etc. were stolen.

4. I think my biggest fear is that someone will break into my house and take all my things, but in my opinion it is a worse option if they break into your house when you are home because they could hurt your family. And at least the things that are taken from you are basically things and things can be replaced.

Good going with your writing practice. Keep doing it.

Look at a few corrections you can make in these sentences to improve them:

When I leave my house on vacation, I usually tell my mother to come and take the letters and postcards and that kind of thing, and she stays at my house twice a week.

When I leave my house to go on vacation, I usually tell my mother to come and take the letters and postcards and these kinds of things, and she also stays at my house twice a week.

I think the most important thing is not to post your plans on social media, because they offer you free access to your house

I think the most important thing is not to post your plans on social media, because doing this offers burglars free information about and access to your house.

Another thing, do not forget to always end your sentences with a period (.).

Until your next entry!

Discussion Questions:
1. How do you try to protect your home when you are away on holiday?
I usually don’t give information about my holidays in my neighbourhood, never any kind of information in social media. I usually tell to my sister that, if she doesn’t mind, go to home once a week to check everything is ok and so on.
2. Among the tips mentioned in the article, which ones do you find the most and least helpful? Why?
I think is an article for people who live in North America, and maybe is very useful for them, but all the stuff related to the snow is not very useful in Spain and even less for the summer holidays… The rest of the advises are interesting, but some of them requires to spend money to buy technology (I.e.: Alarm Systems, light remote control, etc.)
3. Have you heard of cases where people’s homes were broken into while they were on holiday? What happened?
Yes, my sister told me that this Christmas Holidays the burglars stormed 2 flats in her building, in fact one of the flats was my sister’s neighbour. All of them de Christmas’ Eve.
When I worked in Barcelona in 1993 the burglars robed in my flat, I really didn’t have valuable things but is a very bad experience and I couldn’t sleep well for some weeks. I can’t imagine if they tried to robe with me inside…
4. What are some fears you have while you are away on holidays? Why?
I lived in a flat in the second floor and I am surrounded by neighbours, so I think it is difficult for the burglars to try in my flat. Even though I installed a Security Alarm at home in order to prevent this kind of crimes.
When I am on holidays my worries are more that something goes wrong inside the flat, you know: some pipeline breaks, some electricals problems, some floods, etc… because maybe when a comeback it would be too late…

Nicely done practicing your writing again today.

Take a look at some better word choices you can make in these sentences:

I usually don’t give information about my holidays in my neighbourhood, never any kind of information in social media. I usually tell to my sister that, if she doesn’t mind, go to home once a week to check everything is ok and so on.

I usually don’t give out information about my holidays to my neighbours, and I also never any kind of information in post about it on social media. I usually ask to my sister that, if she doesn’t mind, to go to my home once a week to check if everything is ok and so on.

Keep at it!

1. How do you try to protect your home when you are away on holiday?
I only speak with my neighbor that live in front of me to notify about my holidays, and every two weeks we come back to confirm that all its ok. Maybe I leave blinds up or something similar.
2. Among the tips mentioned in the article, which ones do you find the most and least helpful? Why?
I think that depends on type of your home, because if you live in a flat the recommendation about the shovel the snow or the barking dog alarm its not useful. On the other hand, the most useful is put a security system because it is connected with the police.
3. Have you heard of cases where people’s homes were broken into while they were on holiday? What happened?
Always it has existed this kind of robberies. In my brother´s house they entered through the window of a room that overlooked a common patio and they stolen a portable computer, the keys and money.
4. What are some fears you have while you are away on holidays? Why?
I think the worst fears is the damage in my home and thinking that there are people touching my clothes and my personal belongings.

Nice job practicing your writing. Hope this exercise helps you attain your goals in improving your level.

Look at a better way to express this idea:

I think the worst fears is the damage in my home and thinking that there are people touching my clothes and my personal belongings.

I think some of my worst fears when I am away from home are the damages that could happen while I’m gone in my home and thinking that there might be people touching my clothes and my personal belongings.

Keep doing this activity.

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