New Year’s Resolutions Therapists Make

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Ever aspired to experience the delight that comes with accomplishing something?

As the start of the year opens up like a new chapter in a book of infinite possibilities, New Year’s resolutions are a subject that often triggers lively conversations.

The majority of individuals hold the view that resolutions are basically targets that are of little significance to fulfill, but have you taken note of the people who sincerely persist them? They seemed more upbeat and enthusiastic about life, especially to themselves. However, in a world that is frequently marked by complexity, the beneficial transformation along with individual growth that resolutions promise are nearly impossible to achieve.

This article breaks down the process of creating simple, yet extremely effective New Year’s resolutions. Click on the link to learn more about the four New Year’s resolutions therapists make every year.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “add all of those pieces together” mean in the sentences, “When you add all of those pieces together, a lot of times the resolution ends up being such a contentious point in that individual’s life.”? Use this in your own sentence.
  2. What does “carve out” mean in the sentence, “I think the best way that I would look at a resolution is what do I want to carve out for myself that I would love to see happen or even commence within the new year.”? Use this in your own sentence.
  3. What does “fill your cup” mean in the sentence, “It’s really looking at filling your cup first and making sure you’re full so that you can then be able to help and be of service to others.”? Use this in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Tell me about your views on the concept of New Year’s resolutions.
  2. What specific goals or resolutions do you plan to set for the upcoming year? Please share.
  3. How do you approach the process of creating feasible New Year’s resolutions? Tell me more.
  4. Have you reflected on your past resolutions and their outcomes? What did you learn?
  5. How do you plan to integrate self-care into your routine as part of your New Year’s resolutions?
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