Viral Post Blew Up a Business

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, connect, and promote ourselves or our businesses. With just one social media post promotion, individuals and companies can reach a vast audience and make a significant impact.

When it comes to promoting a product or service on social media, suppliers can be valuable allies. By collaborating with suppliers and showcasing their contribution in the production process through engaging posts, companies can not only increase brand visibility, but also strengthen their supplier relationships.

Watch this video to find out how a single Facebook post transformed a business.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does idiom “blow up” mean in the sentence? “A viral Facebook post nearly blew up our business.” Use this in your own sentence.
  2. What is the meaning of the phrase “supply chain“? “We quickly sold out of everything we had in the warehouse and we had to dial up our relationships with the whole of our supply chain.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
  3. What is the meaning when “to change the game“? “We started the brand, launched it nationwide in 2014, but everything changed in 2017 when a viral Facebook post completely changed the game for us.” Use this in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How important is advertising for a company or a product?
  2. Do you advertise your business (the company you are working for) or its products? If so, in what ways?
  3. How significant is it to research a product’s supply and demand chain?
  4. Why should a company value its relationships with its suppliers?
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4 replies on “Viral Post Blew Up a Business”


1. to explode. this dispute can cause the whole group to blow up
2. all the agents involved in the sale of a product. Large companies need to control the entire supply chain to continue to grow.
3. that all change for that. Apple changed the game with his new glasses.


1. It is not the most important thing, because if a product is not good, it will not work, but advertising can help a lot. People can start to get to know a brand or a product and start to become a customer with just one advertisement.
2. My company advertises its products on linkedin, with different types of informative post that has in the final information about how it can help to solve the problems mentioned in the post or with information about our products.
3. It is one of the most important things when you are going to start a business, because you need to know if the product is going to have a market and if it is possible to supply a big moment of demand, because if you cannot supply, customers may stop buying the product and you will start to have a bad reputation.
4. Because if they need a peak of work or have a special situation that requires a high level of trust and work, if they do not have a good relationship, probably the suppliers will not cover that peak.

Your efforts in achieving improvements in your writing is admirable.

See a better way to write this sentence:

My company advertises its products on linkedin, with different types of informative post that has in the final information about how it can help to solve the problems mentioned in the post or with information about our products.

My company advertises its products on LinkedIn through different types of informative posts that have information about how our products can help to solve the problems mentioned in the post or with information about our products.

Keep writing!

For any company advertising is vital to be present in the market. It represents all, what I mean is one of the most important things in a brand is how it is represented. We have to know that the way how the company shows the product will be affect the future of it.

On the other hand, the advertising is as important as research a serious suppliers. The product’s quality depends on the suppliers chain and also their product’s availability. The company has to make sure that it will be able (in any case) to manufacture the products.

Well done answering your lesson’s discussion questions.

Look at other words/expressions you can use in order to improve this sentence:

For any company advertising is vital to be present in the market.

For any company, advertising is vital to establish their presence in the market.

You are doing a good job so far. Keep it up!

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