Muggers Target Luxury Winter Coats

B1 – Intermediate

Among all the types of crimes, the incidence of mugging has recently increased in some countries, among them, the UK. A new crime trend is emerging, though.

More victims have reported being robbed of their branded coats that cost thousands of pounds.

Read the article about the latest muggings wherein people’s luxury coats were stolen from them. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “mugging” mean? “A criminologist in the U.K. warned that the muggings were the start of a new “luxury crime trend”.” Give two synonyms or similar expressions and  use ‘mugging’ in your own sentence.
  2. What does ”knifepoint” mean in this context, ”In recent weeks, people have had their coats stolen at knifepoint.”? Use this expression in a sentence in the same context.
  3. What does it mean when something is “a real concern”? “A London Transport spokesperson said the muggings were “a real concern“.” Give two synonyms or similar expressions and make a sentence using the expression ‘a real concern’.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news about this current luxury crime trend?
  2. Is this crime trend also happening in your country? Talk about it.
  3. What might be the reasons the incidence of this type of crime is increasing? How can it be prevented or stopped?
  4. What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘mugging’?
  5. Have you any experience getting mugged? What happened, what was stolen from you, and what did you do?
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2 replies on “Muggers Target Luxury Winter Coats”

1. What is your reaction to this news about the current trend of committing luxury crimes?
I have been shocked by this kind of news.

2. Does this criminal trend also occur in your country? Tell us about it.
I have never heard of it, maybe in my country too.

3. What could be the reasons why the incidence of this type of crime is increasing? How can it be prevented or stopped?
Perhaps the gap that is forming between the poor and the rich, maybe.

4. What comes to your mind when you hear the word “mugging”?
People who use weapons to obtain some kind of benefit with violence.

5. Have you ever been mugged, what happened, what was stolen and what did you do?
No, I have never been mugged and I hope I never get mugged because it must be horrible.

Good work writing your answers and always practicing your writing.

Here are a few sentences you can improve:

I have never heard of it, maybe in my country too.

I have never heard of any news like this, but maybe it happens in my country, too.

No, I have never been mugged and I hope I never get mugged because it must be horrible.

No, I have never been mugged and I hope I never get mugged do because it must be horrible.

Stay consistent with your practice.

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