The World’s First Trillionaire

B1 – Intermediate 

According to Oxfam, an anti-poverty charitable organization, in about 10 years, the world will see its first trillionaire.

The Oxfam report revealed that the fortune of five of the world’s wealthiest has increased by more than 100% since 2020. Moreover, the top five billionaires also doubled their wealth. 

But there is a sharp contrast with the situation of almost five billion people who have become even poorer in the past couple of years.

Read the article about the growing wealth inequality. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Define “wealth gap”. “Oxfam said the wealth gap between the rich and poor is growing.” Give 1-2 synonyms or similar expressions and use “wealth gap” in your own sentence.
  2. What does “to supercharge” mean, “The gap “supercharged” after the coronavirus pandemic.”? Give 1-2 synonyms or similar expressions and use “supercharge” in your own sentence.
  3. What does ”milestone” mean, ”The AP news agency said someone with a trillion-dollar milestone would “have the same value as oil-rich Saudi Arabia”.”? Give 1-2 synonyms or similar expressions and use “milestone” in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your opinion on this, “In the next ten years, the world will have its first trillionaire.”?
  2. Share your thoughts on this, “Almost five billion people have become poorer.”.
  3. How can the wealth gap between the rich and poor be reduced?
  4. Why do you think ‘The world will see a “decade of division”’’?
  5. Is there a huge wealth gap between the rich and the poor in your country? Talk about some circumstances where it is evident.
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2 replies on “The World’s First Trillionaire”

Discussion Questions:

1. What is your opinion on this, “In the next ten years, the world will have its first trillionaire.”?
I don’t understand because the people dream to be a trillonaire, i think this people wouldn’t know that do with so much of amount of money. I undertand that you dream to have money, because it is necessary for live, do things but really it is necessary so much?

2. Share your thoughts on this, “Almost five billion people have become poorer.”.
It a terrible pity that so much people have become poorer, all the people must live with a good conditions, this would be the basic for all the world.

3. How can the wealth gap between the rich and poor be reduced?
I think that the goverment need aplly more tax to the people more rich, because in the mayor of the cases this rich normally have a lot of companys and this companys don’t pay as the small companys, pay less tax than the small companys.

4. Why do you think ‘The world will see a “decade of division”’’?
For the same reason of the last answer. In the actually, the rich go monopolize the market. They have a lot of companys and the manage the world with the big companys.

5. Is there a huge wealth gap between the rich and the poor in your country? Talk about some circumstances where it is evident.
I think that in my country there are more or less equality. There are a lot of people that be of half class, they can supervive, buy meal, pay the rental o mortgage, and they do a bit of entertainment as travel or dinner or a bit caprice for month.

Appreciate your efforts in practicing your writing. You are doing a good job so far.

Look at another way to write this sentence:

I think that in my country there are more or less equality. There are a lot of people that be of half class, they can supervive, buy meal, pay the rental o mortgage, and they do a bit of entertainment as travel or dinner or a bit caprice for month.

I think that in my country there are more or less wealth equality exists in my country. There are a lot of people that be of half are middle class. They can survive, buy meals/food, pay their rent or mortgage, and they do a bit of entertainment such as traveling or going out for dinners or indulging a bit caprice for month.

Another thing, please take note of the spelling of the words “government”, “survive”, and “companies”.

Keep it up!

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