What Happens to Your Brain After You Turn 50

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Have you ever wondered what happens to your brain after reaching the big 5-0? Well, we have the inside scoop from medical professionals who explain what happens to your mental system once you reach your 50s.

Prepare for an easily understood process as we reveal the science underlying the transformations that the human brain undergoes as you go into the latter part of your life.

Visit the link to learn more about the natural shifts that accompany aging and uncover effective measures to proactively manage them.


Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “slip one’s mind” mean in the sentence, “No matter our age, most of us are guilty of saying, “I must be getting old,” when we can’t quite find the words to describe something or an important item on our to-do lists slips our minds.”? Give 2 synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘slip one’s mind’ in a sentence.
  2. What does “narrow down” mean in the sentence, “It doesn’t mean you have Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia, but a specialist can help to narrow down the cause and any potential treatments or lifestyle changes that may be helpful,” he said.”? Give 2 synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘narrow down’ in a sentence.
  3. What does “down the road” mean in the sentence, “But as both Wint and Bredesen emphasized, lifestyle can make a huge difference in the rate at which your brain health declines, and whether you develop dementia down the road.”? Give 2 synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘down the road’ in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does the article describe brain shrinkage in your 50s, and what impact does it have on accessing accumulated knowledge?
  2. How would you describe your current level of physical activity, and do you engage in regular, moderate aerobic exercise as suggested by doctors for brain health? Please share.
  3. In terms of social connections, how rich and meaningful is your in-person social network, and how do you believe it contributes to your overall well-being and brain health? Tell me more.
  4. Are there specific lifestyle changes you’ve made or are considering making based on the recommendations from doctors to support your brain health as you age? Please share.
  5. Looking ahead, what long-term strategies do you envision incorporating into your lifestyle to promote brain health throughout the aging process?
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