New Year’s Resolutions Cardiologists Make

B2 – Upper Intermediate

It’s the start of a new year which means it’s time for people to make their new year’s resolutions. Individuals often vow to have healthier habits and make positive personal changes.

Cardiologists, in particular, understand the importance of leading a heart healthy-lifestyle. Hence, they focus on resolutions to maintain their own heart health.

Read this article to learn what new year’s resolutions cardiologists always make for better cardiovascular health.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “out of whack” mean? ““It’s important to know where you’re at in terms of those numbers, but also not to be discouraged if numbers are out of whack,” Jackson noted.” Give two synonyms and make a sentence using ‘out of whack’.
  2. What does “to turn on a switch” mean? ““Our cardiovascular health is not just turning on a switch.” Use this expression in this context in your own sentence.
  3. What does “to cut someone some slack” mean? “You should cut yourself some slack if you miss a day at the gym or fall back into an old habit you’re trying to break.” Give two synonyms or similar expressions and make a sentence using ‘to cut someone some slack’.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about the four resolutions mentioned in the article and share your thoughts on them.
  2. Have you considered your heart health while making New Year’s resolutions, and if yes, what changes are you contemplating?
  3. How might cardiologists’ resolutions inspire you to incorporate heart-conscious habits into your own life?
  4. Which habits have you adopted that are influenced by cardiologists’ resolutions for heart health in your own lifestyle?
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