After 60, Alone, Happy

B2 – Upper Intermediate

People’s viewpoints on romantic love typically shift as they age, leading some aged individuals to choose a life free of being in search of such attachments.

For these people, abandoning their quest for affection is not a sign of withdrawal, but rather an intentional choice based on an overwhelming feeling of confidence and contentment with their independence. They find satisfaction in their freedom and autonomy, liberated of the social demands and pressures that surround romantic relationships.

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Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “a feel good story” mean in the sentence, “And it’s a feel good story that shatters all of our stereotypes.”? Use this in your own sentence.
  2. What does “in the greater world” mean in the sentence, “Rather than feeling lonely, she has realized that “there is so much connection available in the greater world,” said Ms. McCollough, who lives in Ludlow, Mass.”? Use this in your own sentence.
  3. What does “a pang of loneliness” mean in the sentence, “Occasionally, she feels a pang of loneliness, coming home to her silent house after a family get-together.”? Use this in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How has your perspective on romantic relationships shifted as you’ve gotten older? Tell me more.
  2. What are some of the benefits you’ve experienced from being single and focusing on yourself? Please share.
  3. How do you maintain a sense of fulfillment and happiness while being unattached romantically?
  4. Have you faced any societal pressures or judgments regarding your decision to prioritize your own happiness over finding a partner? Please share.
  5. What advice would you give to others who may be considering giving up the search for romantic love in favor of self-assurance and satisfaction?
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