Somebody That I Used to Know

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Art has long been recognized as a therapeutic outlet for emotional pain and heartbreak. When faced with the devastation of a broken heart, many individuals turn to art as a means of healing and self-expression. Engaging in artistic endeavors can provide solace, allowing one to process their emotions and find catharsis.

Doing art after a heartbreak is not only therapeutic but also transformative. It enables individuals to process their emotions, communicate their experiences, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Through artistic expression, one can find solace amidst the pain and emerge stronger than before.

Appreciate what a broken heart can accomplish. Read this article and listening to the song “Somebody That I Used To Know”.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “a sight to behold” mean? “And Gotye’s literal mouth is a sight to behold, up there in the pantheon of legendary singers’ mouths like Mick Jagger and Steven Tyler.” Give two synonyms/similar expressions and use ‘a sight to behold’ in a sentence.
  2. What does the phrase  “foil for someone/something” mean? “Indeed, the addition of female singer Kimbra offers the song depth, a different perspective, and a foil to [sic]] the track.” Give two synonyms/similar expressions and use ‘foil for someone/something’ in a sentence.
  3. What does “interplay” mean? “Who is the good person, and who is the bad person? The interplay is marvelous.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of the song and the story behind it?
  2. What might be some things people commonly do when they go through a breakup, especially a bad one?
  3. When you’re feeling quite low, what do you usually do?
  4. What are your thoughts on productivity getting affected by emotions?
  5. Share an experience of yours where you were able to accomplish something due to a rather low point in your life.
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2 replies on “Somebody That I Used to Know”

Vocabulary Questions:

1. A spectacle for the eyes, something really beautiful to see. The Mona Lisa painting is a sight to behold.
2. Complement, emphasize the good qualities of another person. The color you had chosen for the wall foil for all the furnitures in the room
3. Interaction. Increase interplay between the different teams as they get to know each other better is one of our objectives

Discussion Questions:

1. It is a song that I heard a lot, honestly, I understand that there is so much preparation as it is a theme that still sounds in many clubs, and that requires preparing everything well.
2. Stop seeing and talking to that person, avoid that person as much as possible.
3. I try to read, talk to my wife and see my friends, those are the things that lift me up.
4. Yes, we are not machines, and anything affects us. What we have to try is that it does not affect us too much or that it is something constant.
5. I don’t usually have low moments, and when I have them I try to cheer up soon, I’m not a person who gets positive things out of those moments because I avoid them.

You efforts in writing your answers is very much appreciated. Good work!

See a better way to write these sentences. Take a look at how they should be properly be punctuated.

I try to read, talk to my wife and see my friends, those are the things that lift me up.

I try to read, talk to my wife, and see my friends. These are just some of the things that lift me up.

Another way to express the last sentence is:

These are just some of the things that lift my spirits up.

Continue doing this exercise to improve your skills further and further.

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