B2 – Upper Intermediate
In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an inevitable part of our daily lives. From work deadlines to family responsibilities, the pressures we face can often feel overwhelming. However, there is a secret sauce that can help us cope with stress and navigate through life’s challenges with ease.
Read this article and learn how to deal with stress so that you may grow and achieve your goals.
Vocabulary Questions:
- What does “to lose one’s cool” mean? “One thing most business leaders can learn from Richard Branson, the multi-billionaire founder of the Virgin Group, is that he virtually never loses his cool.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘to lose one’s cool’ in your own sentence.
- What does “high-flying” mean? “In my entire business experience, this is rarely the case for a lot of high-flying CEOs and wealthy business owners.” Give two (2) synonyms or similar expressions and use ‘high-flying’ in your own sentence.
- What does “under one’s wing” mean? “One of our clients, a wealthy business owner in the US with a billion-dollar conglomerate under his wings, has one guy whose sole purpose is to keep his alcohol blood level constant.” Use this in a sentence.
Discussion Questions:
- What are some key takeaways you got from this article?
- Which tip did you find the most helpful and why?
- The article provided practical advice on how to manage stress and maintain healthy mental health. How do you maintain your mental well-being?
- Share your thoughts on this, “Many business leaders turn to alcohol or substance abuse to get things done and reduce their stress.“.
- Walt Disney said, “Everyone needs pressure to perform at their best. The best way to get many things done is to be under much pressure to pull them off.” Do you concur or disagree? Explain your answer.
2 replies on “How Top CEOs Cope with Stress”
Vocabulary Questions:
1. What does “to lose one’s cool” mean?
It means to losse the control of oneself. To be able to be in a good mood.
Lose control of oneself
Lose one’s mind
I used to lose my cool when somebody does not understand easy things
2. What does “high-flying” mean?
High level
Good positioned
I would like to become to high-flying position in my current company
3. What does “under one’s wing” mean?
To have something in your power
I am really proud of being a car under my wings with my age.
Discussion Questions:
1. What are some key takeaways you got from this article?
– To see the stress as a problem in our works: I like to have a lot of work to be not bored. But it is true that, sometimes there are a lot of work to do
– Avoid substance that can injuty your health like alcohol o tobacco
– Different ways to be able to overcome the stress as meditation or breathing
2. Which tip did you find the most helpful and why?
Avoid substance as alcohol. It is true that when you abuse of one substance you need higher levels to get the same effect. This is dangerous and we need to be aware of it.
3. The article provided practical advice on how to manage stress and maintain healthy mental health. How do you maintain your mental well-being?
– I love doing exercise to avoid stress. I like that because when you are in the gym, you only think in doing your best and to overcome your weights. For me, I clean my mind and I can totally focus on exercise. Besides, it is good for the health.
4. Share your thoughts on this, “Many business leaders turn to alcohol or substance abuse to get things done and reduce their stress.“.
– I think that this solution is taken to avoid thinking in work things. When you get drunk, you are happier and you are not thinking in work. For that reason, these people try to be drunk in every time and they become to be alcoholic.
5. Walt Disney said, “Everyone needs pressure to perform at their best. The best way to get many things done is to be under much pressure to pull them off.” Do you concur or disagree? Explain your answer.
I partially agree. I think that the pressure is good because with pressure you can get more things. However, sometimes, pressure could overcome you and it could be bad for you.
Welcome back to your writing practice. Good job on this one.
In order to improve this response, you may use a different expression so the word “pressure” is not used twice in the same sentence. Also, “achieve” could be a better alternative for “get” in this context.
To your next entries! Cheers!