Colorado Springs Is Becoming a Smart City

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Smart cities are urban areas that utilize technology and data to improve the quality of life for their residents. These cities integrate various systems such as transportation, energy, healthcare, and communication to create a more efficient and sustainable environment. The goal of a smart city is to enhance the overall well-being of its citizens by providing better services and infrastructure.

One key aspect of a smart city is the use of IoT (Internet of Things) devices to collect data and analyze patterns. This data can then be used to make informed decisions about resource allocation and city planning. For example, sensors can monitor traffic flow in real-time, allowing for adjustments to be made to reduce congestion and improve air quality.

Watch the video and learn how Colorado Springs is turning itself into a smart city.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “hidden in plain sight” mean? “This is one of 40 smart trash cans in Colorado Springs, which since 2017, has been implementing different kinds of smart technology hidden in plain sight throughout the city.” Use this idiom in a sentence.
  2. What does “informed decision” mean? “And so by deploying these technologies, it enables us to get data from this infrastructure that’s out there and help us make more informed decisions.” Use this phrase in a sentence.
  3. What does “micromobility” mean? “And we’re beginning to expand where scooters are throughout our community. Micromobility wasn’t even a concept 5-10 years ago.” Use this word in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What makes Colorado Springs a “Smart City”?
  2. Which forms of smart technologies are being employed in your city? Which ones do you think are needed to be added?
  3. Is there free wifi available everywhere in your city, and if so, how is it? If not, do you think they should equip the every area of the city with wi-fi?
  4. What technological advancement, in your opinion, can foster a stronger sense of community?
  5. Share your thoughts on this, “Technology won’t solve our problems, but the data that we’re collecting and the people that are utilizing that data will have an impact on improving that situation into the future.
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