The ‘Lucky to Be Here’ Generation Could Learn from Gen Z

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In uncertain times, many adopt a “lucky to be here” mindset, which can undermine our career self-worth and control. While Millennials often settle for less due to hustle culture, Gen Z is redefining job satisfaction with a more balanced approach. By learning from Gen Z, we can better advocate for ourselves and achieve a healthier work-life balance.

Read this article to learn what Gen Z has to teach the ‘Lucky to Be Here’ Generation.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “over-index” mean? “Most people over-index on insecurity, but there are definitely some folks who swing to the other side of the pendulum a little bit too hard when they’re trying to escape that insecurity and fail to look at their growth area.” Use this in a sentence.
  2. Define “touchstone“. “If you, like me, were a Millennial who grew up watching “The Devil Wears Prada,” then this movie became one of your earliest touchstones of a “lucky to be here” mindset.” Give two synonyms and use “touchstone” in a sentence.
  3. What is the meaning of “to swing to the other side of the pendulum”? “Most people over-index on insecurity, but there are definitely some folks who swing to the other side of the pendulum a little bit too hard when they’re trying to escape that insecurity and fail to look at their growth area.” Make a sentence with this.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of the “lucky to be here” mindset?
  2. Have you ever felt like you were just “lucky to be here” in your job? How did that mindset affect you?
  3. How did your upbringing or family background influence your views on job security and career advancement?
  4. What aspects of Gen Z’s approach to work do you find inspiring or challenging for your own career?
  5. How can the “heads down, grind it out” attitude lead to burnout and unhealthy loyalty?
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