New Law Against Trafficking in Spain

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Spain recently introduced a new law aimed at combating human trafficking in the country. This law toughens penalties for those who participate in human trafficking for various purposes, such as forced labor or sexual exploitation. The government hopes this new legislation will help protect vulnerable people and punish those who exploit them.

Read the article and share your thoughts about it.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is a “third-country national or TCN”? “Third-country nationals (TCNs) in Spain are disproportionately affected by crimes related to human trafficking and exploitation: traffickers take advantage of the country’s proximity with Northern Africa, its cultural connection with Latin America, and migrants’ vulnerability.” Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “organic law” mean? “The Spanish government announced its decision to transform the draft of the Integral Organic Law against Trafficking and Exploitation of Human Beings, promoted during the previous term, into law.” Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “prerogative” mean? “The key aspects of the law relate to specific prerogatives that will be granted to the victims without the need for them to file a complaint, including the rights to receive the Minimum Vital Income (MVI), to be considered priority group to access public housing, to receive legal assistance throughout the process, to receive compensation from confiscated property, and to obtain a temporary certificate of residence and work.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How big is the problem with human trafficking in your country? What are some problems caused by this illegal activity in your country?
  2. What is the new law about? What are your thoughts on some of its prerogatives?
  3. What steps can countries take to strengthen laws against human trafficking? Do you have any suggestions?
  4. How can awareness about human trafficking be raised?
  5. Talk about the things you know about the VioGén system.
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