Signs of Burnout from a Job You Love

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Passion is one of the factors people consider when looking for a job. It’s a wonderful thing when your profession matches with your passion. Unfortunately, in certain cases, you will still experience burnout while doing what you enjoy the most.

Read this article to learn about the signs of burnout from a job you love.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “phone something in” mean in this context? “You now finish the day without a sense of accomplishment and find yourself “phoning in” deadlines.” Make a sentence with this phrase.
  2. Define “throw yourself into something”.Throw yourself into something else where you can feel a sense of progress and mastery and momentum because you’re not having that met at your job.” Use this in a sentence.
  3. What is the meaning of “slippery slope“? “This is not just like, ‘Oh, work kind of sucks right now.’ It’s ‘I’m in danger of going down a slippery slope if I don’t take care of this.’” Give two similar expressions and make a sentence with this phrase.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever had a job that was aligned with your passion? Talk about it.
  2. Are there instances when you feel emotionally drained even if you enjoy doing your job? Kindly share about it.
  3. What challenges might someone have when doing the job they love?
  4. Do you find it challenging to recharge even during the weekends or time off? Share about this.
  5. How can a person suffering from burnout recover from it?
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