The ‘Golden Handcuffs’ of High-Earning Jobs

B2- Upper Intermediate 

Perhaps one of the things that entice people to high-paying corporate jobs is the privileges that come with that job title. A fat paycheck, for one, remains a strong drive to pursue and persevere in such positions no matter the toll it could take on one’s personal life.

However, isn’t it a cliche that the bigger pay one receives, the greater the responsibilities put on their shoulders, which comes at a price of sacrificing their quality of life.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to break free from the “golden handcuffs” of a top-tier salary.

Read this article about the so-called “golden handcuffs” of a six-figure payday.

Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. Explain “golden handcuffs” in this context, “While some can shake off golden handcuffs for a healthier work-life balance, others find them nearly impossible to walk away from – and pay the price.” Use this term in a sentence.
  2. What does “to be at someone’s whim” mean? “Handsome compensation means employees are at the company’s whim.” Use this phrase in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.
  3. What does “to push someone over the edge” mean? “He says on top of “a poor work-life balance, the long hours negatively impacting my relationship, the bullying culture,” he didn’t see a path to promotion, which pushed him over the edge.” Use this idiom in a sentence and give 2 synonyms or similar expressions.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever been in a situation where you thought this way, “You accept those conditions in return for such a high salary – that’s the game. If you’re not working 12 hours straight, the response is ‘you’re being paid this much, so you have to’.”? Talk about it.
  2. Do you think this is fair, “Higher up the chain, the financial packages sweeten – and the golden handcuffs tighten.“? Share your point of view.
  3. Share your insights on this, “It’s more than a salary you’re tied to: it’s also lifestyle, friendship group and sense of worth.”.
  4. These financial packages will be here to stay – and in an uncertain economy, more workers may end up sticking it out, no matter the circumstances.” Share your thoughts on this statement.
  5. How important is high compensation and job prestige for you personally?
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