Coffee Can Help You Live Longer

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A cup of coffee has always been a part of a lot people’s morning routine. It could definitely awake our senses and boost our energy. Now, coffee drinkers have more reasons to drink that fresh cup.

Read the article on how coffee can help you live longer.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you a coffee drinker? How many cups do you drink each day?
  2. How healthy do you think coffee is?
  3. Why might coffee reduce the incidence of suicides?
  4. How do you feel about certain coffee shops like Starbucks?
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4 replies on “Coffee Can Help You Live Longer”

1. Are you a coffee drinker? How many cups do you drink each day?
I don´t drink coffee as I don´t like it. I am keen on hot chocolate.
If I have to drink a coffee it usually is a decaf one with plenty of milk and sugar.
2. How healthy do you think coffee is?
I do not put in doubt the studies that confirm coffee is healthy but, as everything else, from my point of view, it is not something you can abuse of.
3. Why might coffee reduce the incidence of suicides? If I´m being honest, I can´t think about a reason of why it can reduce suicide. It might be because it makes people be more awake and activated.
4. How do you feel about certain coffee shops like Starbucks?
I like them but because of the cookies and muffins.
From what I have heard, coffee fans do not think coffee in these shops is too good

Very good job answering this lesson’s discussion questions. Thank you for taking the time to do this.

Here is how you can connect these two sentences. Also, consider changing the second verb on the second sentence it is not the same as the first one.

I don´t drink coffee as I don´t like it. I am keen on hot chocolate.

I don´t drink coffee as I am not quite fond of it. I am keen on hot chocolate, though.

Keep going with your writing practice.

1. Yes. I love coffee specially in the morning during the breakfast. Is like a ritual. Anyway I never take more than 2 or 3 cups of coffee per day. An sometimes I only take the one in the morning.
2. I would not classify it as a healthy beverage. I don’t think it is bad to take 1 or 2 coffees per day. But I don’t totally agree with this new, because to me, to take 1 to 5 coffee per day is too much caffeine and can affect the sleep for example.
3. I have never heard about that. Maybe it can be because it makes people be more active and the smell and the hot beverage can help clarify the ideas. Coffee can also be associated with a relax time.
4. I think they are famous because of the american movies, and because the coffees they served are more similar to a sweet desert with a point of coffee flavor. For me this are coffee shops to go sometimes with friends, because of the ambient of the shop, the sofas and the music. It invites you to have a good time with friends and also with computer or a book. They also sell good coffee, but is less common to see people asking for a coffee alone. Also it is expensive, and I do not see it practical for day to day. I prefer to prepare my own coffee at home and to took it in pajama.

Thanks for your efforts writing your answers down.

Here is a sentence that can be improved a bit more:

For me this are coffee shops to go sometimes with friends, because of the ambient of the shop, the sofas and the music.

For me, these are coffee shops to go with friends sometimes because of the ambiance of the shop, the comfortable couches, and the relaxing music.

Well done sharing your thoughts!

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