The Dangers of Mixing Medications

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Most, if not all, of us have been exposed to one medication or another. There might have been cases where we have been prescribed more than one medication at a given time. It is important to know if these medications are safe to be taken together to prevent possible negative interactions from occurring.

With so many medications on the market, it is difficult to remember all possible drug interactions. Sometimes, some drug interactions are well-known, which is easy to remember, while others are rare. Whether rare or common, these interactions have to be checked by your health practitioners to see if it’s safe to consume some drugs, food, and supplements together.

Watch this video below to see how drug interactions affect our bodies.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What were your initial understandings and misconceptions about drug interactions before watching this video?
  2. Who are the most susceptible to drug interactions?
  3. What are some good and bad drug interactions that you know of?
  4. What usually happens upon drug prescription and dispensing?
  5. Do you feel that doctors and pharmacists educate patients properly on the medications they will be and are currently taking? Why or why not?
  6. Are you someone who takes supplements? What are some reasons why you’re taking them?
  7. Should apps be available for patients to track possible interactions? Why or why not?
  8. How do you personally make sure you’re taking your medications properly?

The Illness That Was All in a Doctor’s Head

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Dr. Alissa Zingman has suffered painful symptoms that even her fellow doctors dismissed as something that’s only in her head. She was told many times that there was only a very small chance for her to improve. 

To help others with the same condition, she put up a pioneering clinic that offers not only possible interventions but more importantly, hope to other patients.

Read the article about about a doctor’s bout with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.,The%20doctor%20who%20was%20told%20her%20illness%20was%20’all%20in,of%20her%20rare%20genetic%20condition&text=To%20finally%20get%20a,%2C%E2%80%9D%20says%20Dr%20Alissa%20Zingman.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think about her condition and the way she was dismissed constantly?
  2. How would you feel and what would you do if you were in her shoes?
  3. Do you agree or disagree with this: “When you see a new patient, and there’s something you don’t understand, the most likely answer is that it’s real.”? 
  4. Have you ever felt ill and when you consulted your GP, they said it was nothing serious? How did you feel and react at that moment?

Caffeine Overdose

B2 – Upper Intermediate

An unfortunate caffeine overdose occurred to a personal trainer after he miscalculated the amount of caffeine powder he was supposed to take.

Read the article about about caffeine toxicity.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to this news?
  2. To what extent is the company responsible for this miscalculation in dosage?
  3. What are your thoughts about gym-goers using caffeine to improve sports performance?
  4. How can we be careful in consuming or taking such products?
  5. What other performance-enhancing products do you know of?

The First Supervised Illegal Drug Injection Site

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In the fight against opioid addiction in the country, the first supervised drug injection center of America has just been opened in New York. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of the establishment of many more centers such as this to help curb the record overdoses in the country.

Watch the video and read the article about the first supervised illegal drug injection site in New York.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of injection centers such as this?
  2. Do you think that the centre will attract more drug users to the area? Explain your opinion.
  3. How does substance abuse impact a person’s life?
  4. How big is the problem of addition in your city/country? Why do you think this is?
  5. What else can be done to help address the problem with addiction?

Stem Cell Transplant Using Umbilical Cord Blood as HIV Cure

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A female patient who’s been living with HIV was cured using a new approach in which stem cells are taken from umbilical cord blood. The goal is for other patients with HIV to undergo the said stem cell transplant in hopes of curing cancer and other serious conditions.

Read the article about the first stem cell transplant using umbilical cord blood for curing HIV.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Describe the treatment and the most important element to its success.
  2. What are your thoughts on this new treatment approach to possibly curing HIV and other serious diseases?
  3. What do you think are its pros and cons?
  4. What else do you know about stem cells and stem cell transplants?
  5. Would you be willing to undergo such a new approach if you were inflicted with a very serious condition?

Anti-Ageing Vaccine

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Ageing is a biological life process that is inevitable. It is also the biggest factor that increases the risk of developing diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. However, Japanese researchers are developing a new approach to slowing down or reversing the ageing process.

Let’s read the article below about this new anti-ageing vaccine.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on this new anti-ageing vaccine?
  2. Do you want to live forever? If yes, what are you going to do while you live eternally? If not, how long do you want to live and why?
  3. What is a disadvantage of immortality? How would it change our lives?
  4. Who is the oldest person you know? How is their view of the world different from yours?
  5. “We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.

More and More Children with Food Allergies

B2 – Upper Intermediate

A food allergy is an abnormal immunologic reaction to specific foods. Although allergic reactions are often mild, they can be very serious. It affects around 5% of adults and 8% of children. Unfortunately, the prevalence of food allergies among children is on the rise.

Let’s read the article below to know why food allergy is on the rise among children.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you allergic to something? If yes, with what and what symptoms do you usually have when you have an attack?
  2. What do you do to ease your symptoms when you’re having an allergic reaction?
  3. What would your life be like if you suddenly became allergic to your favorite food?
  4. How difficult is life for people with allergies?
  5. What do you think would be the worst thing to be allergic to and why?

Super Immunity Cells

B2 – Upper Intermediate

When Covid-19 started affecting millions of people, sometimes even leading to long-term health effects or worse, fatality, one of the many efforts in finding as much information about it was started by a group of virologists from New York. They launched a study to attempt and anticipate the emergence of more dangerous Covid-19 variants.

Memory B cells was discovered more than half a century ago. But scientists are only starting to have a grasp of how crucial these cells are in helping protect people from some serious diseases.

Read the article about about the cells that can give you hybrid-immunity.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on these cells?
  2. How else can they be beneficial for humans?
  3. How strong do you think your immune system is? How can you say so? 
  4. What are things do you do to boost your immunity?
  5. How would you feel about having super immunity?
  6. Would you like a procedure or drug to be discovered to help humans achieve this super immunity? Why or why not? 


B2 – Upper Intermediate

When people start feeling under the weather, they consult with their GPs. However, some people may have more health complaints when they are not actually ill. In 2013, the term “illness anxiety disorder” was used to describe people who have illogical and debilitating concerns over their health.

Read the article about about hypochondriasis.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are your thoughts on this condition?
  2. Hypochondriacs are often belittled and dubbed as time waster. What do you think of this?
  3. What are some factors that can lead to hypochondriasis?
  4. What are some of your fears related to your health condition?
  5. What are some ways to tackle health anxiety?

Why Is It So Hard to Cure Cancer?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The difficulty in treating cancer is that it’s not a single disease, but rather a group of diseases. Sometimes a drug works well at first but later on, the cancer becomes resistant and continues to grow because the cancer cells have mutated or changed genetically.

Watch the video to know more about why some cancer patients most often do not survive even with new medical advances that are coming along the line.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Would a clinical trial be right for cancer patients? Elaborate.
  2. When should cancer patients consider having hospice care?
  3. When should you get tested for cancer?
  4. Do you think the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and pharmaceutical companies are blocking or witholding new cancer treatments from the public? Explain your opinion.
  5. What are some treatments for cancer do you know of? Explain them and their rate of efficacy.