Making Sense of the Census

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In the UK, the census takes place every ten years since 1801. It is the official number of every resident living within the country. Originally, census workers visit people door-to-door to get the basic information such as age, sex, race, and birth origin, etc. Nowadays, questionnaires are mailed out to every household with additional questions like ethnic backgrounds, immigration status, and personal relationships, etc.

Census is very important for many reasons. According to Gordon De Jong, professor of sociology and demography, “The census is most definitely important. Our whole representative democracy is based on it.” In addition, he has stated that “Equitably distributing the billions of dollars of public money requires up-to-date population data.”

Listen to the audio and read the transcript to learn more about Census.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What exactly is a census and why is it important?
  2. What is the main purpose of the census before and now?
  3. How does the government acquire the information for census?
  4. Why do some people question the importance of Census?
  5. In your opinion, is the census a breach of privacy? Explain your stand.

Traffic Ticket

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Being a good driver starts with the knowledge of all traffic laws and it should be followed by obedience to all traffic laws. Hence, the rigorous driving examination drivers have to take in order to get a license. There are times when drivers are tempted to willingly violate a traffic rule just because no one is looking. But what happens when you are caught? Do you fight it or just pay the fine?

Listen to the audio about getting a traffic ticket and how to get away with it.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why was the driver pulled over by the traffic police?
  2. How did he try to get out of a traffic ticket? Did it work?
  3. Have you ever been pulled over by a traffic officer before? Talk about your experience.
  4. Have you ever had traffic violations in before? What were they for? If not, why do you think that is?
  5. What is the usual process upon receiving a traffic ticket in your country?

What Would You Do with a Million Pounds?

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Are you a frugal or a lavish person?

For average Joes like us, a million pounds is a huge amount of money. It is hard to come by. In fact, many of us wouldn’t even get the chance to have that much money lying in our bank accounts.

But if you were to have that kind of money, what would you do?

Click on the link and let’s listen to what some people would do if they were to have a million pounds.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Based on the video, what would the people do if they were to have a million pounds?
  2. What do you think about how those people from the video want to spend their million?
  3. If you were to have a million Euros, what would you do with it?
  4. How would accumulating more wealth affect your life?

Martial Arts

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Women nowadays are becoming even more independent. However, that does not mean that they can brave the deserted narrow alley without hesitation and fear. Hence, the rise of women learning martial arts. Having the skills and knowledge in martial arts gives you the upper hand over your attacker.

Listen to this audio and read the transcript on martial arts.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What situation is the woman in?
  2. Have you ever been robbed? Is this a common crime in your country or city?
  3. How do you protect yourself from street robbery?
  4. Do you know any form of martial arts? If yes, how and why did you learn it/them? If no, would you be interested to learn one? Which martial art appeals to you?
  5. Do you think this is an effective form of self-defense?

Building Rapport With Others

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Building rapport is a great way to connect with others. Each person has a different way of doing it. Furthermore, doing so is important if you want to get on well with others socially or at work.

To add, a book written by Emily Alison identified four main communication styles: the friendly and cooperative monkey, the bossy lion, the passive mouse, and the conflicting t-rex. Not surprisingly, Alison thinks that the best at building rapport is the friendly and cooperative monkey. 

Let’s click the link below and know more about the different communication styles.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Please describe each communication styles mentioned in the audio. Which style best fits/describes you?
  2. What is building rapport? What are effective ways to establish a connection with others?
  3. What is the importance of building rapport?
  4. How would you describe the way you build rapport with other people?
  5. When is building rapport difficult? Share some of your related experiences.

Betrayal: Dealing with Being Cheated On

B2 – Upper Intermediate

They said that the most distressing part of being betrayed is it never comes for your enemies but from the people who are dearest to you.

But the question is, when you are betrayed by one of your loved ones, would you be able to forgive them? Would you be able to trust again? Would you to distance yourself from others just to feel safe and avoid getting stabbed in the back? Or would you just forgive but never forget?

Watch this story of betrayal and cheating.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you really think betrayal is a normal part of human life? Why or why not?
  2. In your opinion, what do you think are the reasons people betray one another?
  3. Have you experienced being betrayed? What happened? How did you handle that experience?
  4. Do you easily trust others? Why or Why not?

Don’t Give Up!

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Difficulty and hardships are being experienced by the majority of us; especially in this time of crisis. Our strength has been tested when the pandemic hit our lives. Businesses have been closed as a result of thousands of people becoming unemployed. Each of us has experienced hardships at one point in our lives.

Let us be inspired from the story of one of the most famous action stars of all time, Sylvester Stallone.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to Sylvester Stallone’s life story? What lesson/s did you learn from his life story?
  2. What can you say about his determination in life?
  3. Have you ever experienced hardships before and decided not to give up? What happened and how did you overcome such a difficult circumstance?
  4. What are the things you do to motivate yourself at times you feel like giving up?
  5. Share your thoughts on this statement: “You never lose as long as you never give up.”

The Race Called Life

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In this race called life, we think that we are always running alone. Not until we see someone who needs help more than we do. Some of them are our family, friends, and people we meet along the way.

It is not how fast we finish the race, it’s not all about the rush it’s about time to savor every moment and slow down for us to have a chance to appreciate life’s beauty.

Watch this inspirational video about the race called life.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to the story? Share a similar story/experience when you had to run for and/or against something/someone.
  2. Share your thoughts on this statement: “It’s not important if you win, it’s important how you run this race.”
  3. In this thing called life, what or who are you running for and against? Who are the people cheering you on?
  4. If life is a race, how would you describe your race?
  5. Aside from winning/succeeding, what are other things that matter in life?

The Master and the Bow

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Each one of us has our own goals in different areas in life. It may be financials, family, career, or personal-related. Goals are the substantial reason why we keep on going and aspiring.

Watch the video below about setting your eyes straight on your target.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you believe that goals are important in our lives? Why or why not?
  2. What is your main goal in life?
  3. How do you stay on track in achieving your goals?
  4. How do you set goals in life?
  5. Have you ever failed in achieving a goal you’ve set? How did you deal with failing?

Maya Angelou and Sally Ride Will Be Honored on Quarters

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Did the images featured on your paper money or coins ever get into you? Are they familiar? Ever wondered why they are imprinted on our money?

Writer and poet Maya Angelou and astronaut Sally Ride will be featured in the US Mint’s American quarter to honor their immeasurable contributions to the country.

Watch the video and read the write-up below to know more about these inspiring women and the act of honoring them.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Who do you think should we honor on our money?
  2. Do you think the people featured in your money are representing your country well? Why or why not?
  3. Is this a sufficient way of honoring these people given their magnificent contributions?
  4. How should society determine who is worthy of being honored on money?
  5. Are there people you wish to see on money? Why and what did they do to deserve it?