Beauty Around the World


B2 – Upper intermediate

Beauty. What is it really? Is it the shape of one’s eyes, an aquiline nose? Is it a slender waist, or tapering fingers? Or is it an inner quality, a contagious joie de vivre?

Click the link below and see the diversity of beauty as captured by one photographer’s lens. Read the short article and view the 18 photos included.

Photographer captures beauty around the world


1. How do you define beauty?
2. In the interview, photographer Mihaela Noroc said that “beauty means to keep alive your origins and your culture.” In your opinion, what is the connection between a person’s beauty and culture?
3. What do Noroc’s photographs say about beauty? How are the women the same? In what ways are they different?
4. If you could take a snapshot of beauty, who or what would you take a picture of?

A Permanent Vacation

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Have you ever been on a holiday and just fell in love with the place that you started contemplating on not leaving?

If it sounds crazy or incredible, it doesn’t have to be. For some, packing up their lives and moving to a dream destination has become a reality.

Discussion Questions:

1. If you were to go on a holiday now, where would you want to go? Where is your dream destination?
2. Would you ever consider packing up and leaving your current career to go on a permanent vacation in your dream destination?
3. Have you experienced living in another country for at least a year?

Love and Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In this generation, both men and women have equal rights of pursuing a career for the family. In a household where both are working full time, occupied schedules can get in the way.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever been in a situation where most of your time is devoted to work?
  2. Do you think there’s an issue with married couples or couples who live together who work for the same company?
  3. How do you balance home and career?
  4. Is interoffice relationship allowed in your company?

The Perks of Being a Googler


B2 – Upper intermediate

Employee benefits are optional, non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries. At Google, the benefits are what employees live for.

Read the article below to know more about the benefits that workers in Google truly enjoy.

Google Employees Reveal Their Favorite Perks About Working For The Company


1. What are your benefits as an employee of your company?
2. What are some perks that you wish you had?
3. Are you able to still follow your passion while working in your company?
4. What are the things you like about your company or office?


The Disadvantage of China’s One-Child Policy


B2 – Upper intermediate

It’s no secret that China’s one-child policy was passed as a law to help curb their population growth and make sure that their land could support the people. However, not many are aware of the consequences that it brought to families.

Read the article below to know more about the downside of China’s one-child policy.

Chinese Mom Has Abortion Because Her Only Child Threatened Suicide if She Had Another Baby


1. What is your initial reaction to China’s one-child policy?
2. In your country, what is the current trend when it comes to having a family?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family?

Pet Ownership Positively Affects Your Kids

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Animals play an important role in our lives. We value them as our companion and a part of our family, which can affect our lives. Is this companionship good and beneficial to our lives?

Let’s discover the positive effects of having a pet on a child’s development.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does having pets help a child’s development?
  2. Did you have pets as a young child? Whether yes or no, how do you think that affected you growing up?
  3. Do you believe that despite the fact that adopting a pet is a huge commitment, it outweighs all the challenges that come with taking care of a pet? Share your thoughts.
  4. Would you be comfortable having pets near infants and toddlers? Why or why not?

A Better Way to Track Passenger Planes

B2 – Upper intermediate

Considering the recent airplane crash incidents and disappearance, airline industry leaders and regulators want to improve airline safety. They want planes to have more dependable devices that can follow planes as they fly.

Watch the video and read the article to find out their proposal to a better way to track passenger planes.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share your opinions about some proposals/devices that are being considered by the International Civil Aviation Organization or ICAO’s.
  2. What went through your mind when you heard the news about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?
  3. Share your thoughts on this, “We need better information-sharing across borders. We need better human intelligence on who’s on the passenger manifest and better sharing about that. We need better intelligence on crew personnel.
  4. What can you say about this, “None of the new technology would prevent crashes. But they will help find downed planes more quickly. This might bring comfort to the family members of those who died.” Share your insights.
  5. Are you comfortable traveling by plane considering its risks? Why or why not?

Video: School Kills Creativity

C1 – Advanced

Lets hear a public talk of Ken Robinson, a creative specialist, about the system of education.
According to him, the current school system worldwide kills creativity. As children, we are born as artists but due to the influence of school, we outgrow it.

Additionally, he said that school doesn’t nurture our dynamic and diverse brain.

Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

Click the title for the transcript: Ken Robinson Transcript


1. Do you think that schools do kill a child’s creativity?
2. If you agree, what changes do we need in the school system?
3. Did you enjoy your study when you were a student?

A Guide to Breakups

C1 – Advanced

Almost all of us has experienced loss. Especially during the teenage years, when young men and women start crushing on someone and have their first take on a relationship.

Read the article below to know about Julia’s dating experience and her suggestion of ending affairs.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What did you think of Julia’s heartbreaking story?
  2. What can you say about her suggestions when it comes to ending a relationship?
  3. Share any bad experiences when it comes to dating.

How Reading Can Change You


C1 – Advanced

Reading has always been a part of people’s lives. You can learn a lot through reading. You read from the time you begin school until the time that you start working. It is one hobby that some people love and adore.

Read the article below to discover how what we read can mould our personalities.

How Reading Can Change You in a Major Way


1. Do you think reading is important?
2. How often do you read?
3. Do you like reading? What are your preferences in books?
4. What are some of the interesting books or stories you’ve read?