Stay Positive at Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Having a positive mindset at work is beneficial. It can improve one’s mood, boost confidence, help focus on future goals, and thereby, increase productivity in the workplace. By maintaining a positive outlook, one can focus on areas of improvement rather than work challenges. Make daily tasks at work enjoyable as positivity can influence not only you but also your co-workers.

Watch the video to explore how you start incorporating more positivity in your work life.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the idiom “cut someone some slack” mean? “Cutting yourself some slack will be an aid in finding motivation to learn and grow from your mistakes.” Use it in your own sentence.
  2. Give 1-2 synonyms of the “drawback“. Use them in sentences. “If you focus on the drawbacks of your role, it’s going to seem impossible to stay positive at work.
  3. What is the meaning of the phrase “to reap the rewards of something“? “Use these strategies to reap the rewards of staying positive at work.” Use this idiom in your own sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What’s your attitude towards your work? Are you usually positive or the opposite? Why or why not?
  2. How do you stay positive and motivated to get things done at work?
  3. Which strategies mentioned in the video that you think are helpful in your work life?

Fair Scheduling Boost Sales and Employee Well-being

B2 – Upper Intermediate

In many cases, employees who work in retail establishments have to deal with unpredictable work schedules. Studies show that such scheduling affects both workers and companies negatively.

Discover how fair scheduling practices improve employee well-being and retail sales.

Read the article below and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

1. How do you understand the phrase “to make ends meet”? Use it in a sentence.

This intense variation in work time can often lead to retail employees not making ends meet

2. What does the phrase “ebb and flow” mean in the sentence below?

Sophisticated algorithms designed by operations management researchers are used to schedule workers to match the ebb and flow of customer traffic.  

3. Define “clopening“. What comes to your mind when you hear this word?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you know anyone who works in a retail store? What kind of timetable does this shop follow?

2. Consider the reasons for unpredictable work schedules in many retail establishments. Do you see it happening in your country?

3. According to the article, 19 Gap stores in Chicago and San Francisco increased sales after adopting responsible scheduling practices. What are your thoughts on this?

4. Talk about your work schedule. Are you satisfied? If not, what would you like to change?

Flashy New Job Titles

B2 – Upper Intermediate

The world of work has been changing a lot over the years. One of the new changes is the invention of ambiguous job titles such as ‘chief visionary officer’, ‘Wizard of Light Bulb Moments’, or ‘Problem Wrangler’. The trend is taking off because employers want to make the job titles sound beefier.

However, employees or job seekers need to be cautious because even though these fancy-sounding job titles may seem enticing, they don’t come with no downsides.

Read the article about what the problem with inventing flashy new job titles is. Be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the expression “to put someone/something on the back foot” mean? “It can also put candidates on the back foot if hiring managers do reach them.” Use this idiom in your own sentence.
  2. Give 1-2 synonym/s of the word “succinct”. “They’re succinct and clear, communicating essential employee details such as job function and seniority.” Use this word in your own sentences.
  3. What does “entrenched” mean? “However, although job titles may be fairly entrenched in industries like law and finance, they are evolving in many other industries, especially creative ones.” Use it in your own sentence. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever come across beefy job titles? Cite some examples. 
  2. Do you think this new trend makes humdrum jobs seem more appealing? Share your thoughts. 
  3. What might be reasons arbitrary job titles are being invented? What are its dangers?
  4. Do you prefer a succinct and clear or an ambiguous and bespoke job title? Explain your choice.
  5. Invent a flashy new job title for your current job.

No-Vacation Nation

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Working for approximately 260 days a year without going on vacation once a year could lead to burnout. Hence, taking days or weeks off work to relax is definitely a must for employees. However, not everyone has the privilege to go on vacation.

Read this article to learn about the no-vacation nation.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the expression “to run thin” mean? “I can definitely feel it when I need a vacation because my patience and tolerance for our guests runs thin,” said the career bartender.” Use this word in a sentence.
  2. What is the meaning of “buck” here, “”While some companies in the US do buck the no-vacation nation trend, offering more generous time off to employees, or even requiring staff to take days off, congressmen are among the few Americans granted a number of days off on par with virtually every other advanced economy.”? Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “to take (on) the mantle” mean? “Every now and then, a legislator in the US will champion the cause of guaranteed paid time off. Florida Congressman Alan Grayson has taken that mantle several times.” Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of this certain work culture?
  2. Why are some workers becoming vacation-phobic?
  3. Do you agree that American workers should have as much vacation time as Europeans? Express your thoughts.
  4. How much vacation do you have each year from work? Do you think it’s a fair amount?
  5. What would you do if your boss asked you to take more (or less) vacation time?

Companies Churn Through Young Workers

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Many employers, according to researchers, particularly recruit competent degree holders seeking to pursue their aspirations, almost always marketable, sometimes ‘picture – perfect’ career choices. This can be advantageous in certain situations for these employees who are trying to find their way into their desired field. However, because companies know that career opportunities are always in high demand, young professionals can get buried in low-paying, demanding jobs. These circumstances can leave early-career employees holding out hope to establish themselves susceptible to exhaustion or discontentment at the beginning of their careers.

Read the article about how companies churn through young workers and be ready to answer the questions that follow.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “ to grind out ” mean here, “Of course, young employees are often expected to grind out the early years of their careers by showing ambition, persistence and resilience in the workplace – in some sense, ‘paying their dues’.”? Use this phrase in a sentence.
  2. What does “ churn ” mean here, “There was just a steady churn of young, impressionable workers and nothing was ever done about it – it just became a test of who had the thickest skin.”? Use this word in a sentence.
  3. What does it mean “to have the thickest skin“?

Discussion Questions:

  1. What factors contribute to employees feeling valued and appreciated in the workplace?
  2. How do companies in your country make employees feel valued?
  3. What are the advantage and disadvantage of hiring fresh graduates?
  4. How are new graduates treated in your workplace? Please share.
  5. How was it like for your when you were starting out your career?
  6. What advice can you give to a young employee?

Metaverse to Affect the Future of Work

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Technology has come a long way compared to when it was first invented, and it keeps improving and making our lives easier and more convenient with every passing year. In recent years, a concept in technology called “the metaverse” became popular and is said to be people’s future workspace.

Read the article to learn how metaverse could change the future of work.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “onboarding” mean? Use it in a sentence.
  2. What does “overlay” mean? Use it in a sentence.
  3. What does “galvanize” mean? Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think of the metaverse?
  2. What is your opinion on the metaverse workplace?
  3. Do you think there are more advantages to it than disadvantages? Explain your point.
  4. How can the metaverse workplace be beneficial to employees and businesses alike?

Factors Driving High Employee Engagement

B2 – Upper Intermediate

Employee engagement shows how enthusiastic and dedicated your staff feels toward what they do. It is an essential factor to a company’s success as it is connected to how satisfied and high the team morale is. Some advantages to having engaged employees are better performance and increased productivity.

Read the article about factors that drive employee engagement.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What is the meaning of the word “engagement” in this context, “Teams with higher engagement are less likely to leave their organization.“? Use it in a sentence.
  2. Explain the phrase “record high” in the sentence, “Engagement levels reached a record high in 2019.”. Use it in a sentence.
  3. What is the meaning of the idiom “pie-in-the-sky“, “What would the world of work look like if organizations could double the percentage of engaged workers? This isn’t a pie-in-the-sky question — all evidence suggests it is possible.“? Use it in a sentence.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Talk about the factors that drive high employee engagement.
  2. How can companies retain high employee engagement? How does your company?
  3. Share your opinion on this, “Changes in employee engagement are best attributed to changes in how organizations develop employees.“.
  4. What are the impact of high engagement among employees?
  5. Personally, how do you keep the level of enthusiasm and dedication you feel toward your job high?

The Struggles of Workers with ADHD

B2 – Upper Intermediate

According to research, people with ADHD tend to be more inquisitive, innovative, revolutionary, and dynamic. They frequently think out-of-the-box , which can be greatly regarded and valued in the workplace.

However, ADHD sufferers encounter a variety of challenges at work. Interpersonal conflict, increased absenteeism, decreased productivity, high error rates, an unwillingness to adapt, and the lack of consistency are a few examples. These things could result in disciplinary measures, suspensions, layoffs, pay loss, and worst, dismissal.

Read the article about the struggles of workers with ADHD.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “tick up ” mean? Use this word in a sentence.
  2. What does “squirmy” mean in this sentence,” We started to laugh as I mentioned that I get a little squirmy when my boys catch frogs and salamanders.”? Use this word in a sentence.
  3. What does “wind up” mean here, “Epstein felt she “should be able to do what everyone else can do”, so she wound up “torturing” herself, balancing perfectionism with a feeling of being incapable of performing as expected.”

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do people with ADHD struggle and survive at work?
  2. What kind of jobs suit people with ADHD? What do people with ADHD excel at?
  3. Should an applicant declare ADHD diagnosis on their job application? Explain your point.
  4. What are the benefits and drawbacks of disclosing an ADHD diagnosis at work?

Bosses Silently Nudge Out Workers

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We’ve all heard of “quiet quitting”, in which an employed person does the barest minimum in order to keep their job. And now there’s a great deal of discussion about “quiet firing” and it is currently making waves.

Is it, however, a new concept? Do you or someone you care about have this problem?

Read the article about how some bosses quietly nudge their employees out.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does “ marginalize ” mean? Use this word in a sentence.
  2. What does “nudge out” mean in this sentence,” An employee subtly nudged out the door isn’t without legal recourse, either.”? Use this word in a sentence.
  3. What does “rejection” mean? Mention some alternative words for this one.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some common signs of quiet firing?
  2. Is quiet firing a constructive dismissal? Elaborate.
  3. How do you deal with unfair firing?
  4. How would you manage a boss who is not willing to bring the conversation of termination forward?
  5. Do you or someone you care about struggle with this issue? Share about it.

Man Wins after Being Fired for Not Being Fun

B2 – Upper Intermediate

There are employees who decide to have some good times to ease themselves from a long-day of working.

Most of them plan for team building activities or have after-work drinks.

However, what if an employee does not join in any of these activities? Is it right to fire him for being ‘boring’?

Read this article to know about this issue.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you think that it was only right to fire Mr. T for being boring? Explain.
  2. Will you consider your co-worker as “boring” when he/she does not join in team building activities? Explain.
  3. What do you think of the team building activities in your company?
  4. What do you think about going out for drinks every week with co-workers? Is it a good idea?