Five Things Shoplifters Steal Most

B2 – Upper intermediate

Getting the five finger discount? It’s a tale as old as time. Shoplifting is nothing new. In the US, a study was conducted to survey which items are more susceptible to getting shoplifted.

Watch the video below and be ready to answer discussion questions.


1. According to the video, what are the 5 most common items that shoplifters steal? Why are they easy to steal?
2. Is shoplifting an issue in your country or city?
3. What are some of the issues that your city has when it comes to petty crimes?
4. Have you ever been a victim of stealing? How did you deal with it?
4. How can you protect yourself from pickpockets or shoplifters?

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One reply on “Five Things Shoplifters Steal Most”


According to the video, there are several things that are commonly stolen in US (and much of them over the world), which are sunglasses, sports clothes, accesories & facial creams, make up and alcohol in the first place. I think that they are the most common things, because are not too big (can be hidden easily) and they can become very expensive to be sold later.

Shoplifting in general is a problem, but I supose that it can be worse for little shops in comparison with big commercial centers, because the profits of both are very different. In general all the cities (most of all in places with a lot of tourism) have this kind of problems and are very difficult to deal with.

I have never lived this experience, but I know a lot of people than have suffered a steal, and the most of times It have been pickpockets without any hurt, so we must be very carefull when we walk in places with too much people, keep you wallet in a pocket inside your jacket, don’t show the notes when you’re paying in a shop, to avoid catch the attention, etc.

By, bye!!

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