Work You Were Meant to Do

B2 – Upper Intermediate

We often wonder why people choose to settle over something which don’t seem to suit them. We often feel like he or she is too good for whatever they choose to do.

Each person has a different calling in life. Have you found yours?

Discussion Questions:

1. How would you explain the term “calling”?
2. How satisfied are you with your life at the moment?
3. Can you say that you’ve found your purpose in life?
4. What are some of the changes that you wish you could do?

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2 replies on “Work You Were Meant to Do”

I describe the term “calling” as a long proccess into each person’s mind to analize himself/herself to find out what they want to become in the life. This proccess involves knowing which field they are good at, how their work can be rewarded by others and feeling passion for that work.
I think that it is not easy for anyone to find your ideal work. In the first place, people need to chose their career at an early stage when their brain is still developing and the only worries are enjoying with the friends. Besides, there can be jobs in which a person can be good but he/she does not know them and when eventually they realise it is too late to change.
Right now, I feel rather a satisfied with my life because I am working in a very interesting job. But, I wanted to devote my career to any other different field ever since. I have always thought that I had to have tried it and not to have been persuaded from other people’s thougths. But I am a very consevative taker and I do not dare go ahead.
I am a person who likes to live into a safety zone. For that reason, changes into my life are not wellcome.

Interesting how one finds out what their ‘calling’ is. We’ve got just a few suggestions on how you can phrase the following ideas better:

But I am a very consevative taker and I do not dare go ahead.
> But I am very conservative and not much of a risk taker and I never dared to go ahead with it.

For that reason, changes into my life are not wellcome.
> For that reason, making big changes in my life is not that welcome.
OR For that reason, making big changes in my life is not a thought I’d probably entertain.

Thank you for writing your opinions on this topic.

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